This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide to the CRM tool in LMN for your convenience!
Select from the list below to jump to its spot within the article!
- Adding New Clients/Leads to the CRM [Manual & Import]
- Info Tab
- Contacts Tab
- Jobsites Tab
- Estimates Tab
- Invoices Tab
- Communication History Tab
- To-Dos Tab
- To-Dos - Work Requests
- Portal Activity Tab
- Jobsite Files/Photos
LMN's CRM was built to handle both new leads and existing clients.
- Entering Leads will help track when leads are coming in, who is handling them, store + share key lead information across all user in your company and help with sales reporting
- Client records will do all the same as the above, plus it will reduce time spent entering client and address info when building estimates.
We have options to add in Clients/Leads manually or to import your list of Clients/Leads.
- You can add Clients/Leads manually.
- You can Import Clients/Leads from a Spreadsheet, Excel or CSV File
Creating Clients/Leads Manually
To begin adding your clients/leads in one at a time, click on Contacts > Click on +New.
Add your Contact/Billing Info and Primary Contact information and click SAVE.
Please note that, in addition to setting a Primary Contact, you can now set up any individual contact within your customer entity as a Billing Contact if they are routinely responsible for handling invoices.
When a Contact is set as a Billing Contact, they will be suggested by default by LMN as an email recipient for any invoices that are Sent/Published to that customer -- so setting these up properly will help ensure that invoices reach all the right people, reducing errors and speeding up payment processing.
Importing Clients/Leads into CRM from a Spreadsheet, Excel or CSV File
You can import a list of client/leads to make it faster to setup your CRM! LMN handles the importing of .CSV files - a popular format for importing/exporting data between various applications.
The CRM import is very specific in the way the file is formatted. After all, LMN has to know exactly where to put each piece of information in your file.
To import your clients/leads, follow the instructions below.
Adding information to the import document
Download the Sample file. Please note: you will need to use our sample file to import your clients/leads. You can download this file by clicking Download below. Once Downloaded, you may need to click Enable Editing in the document to begin adding your data.
Click Here To Download the LMN Sample File
Review the Sample Document: In Row 2 of our sample file, you will see instructions on what information is being requested.
- Recommendations will be available in this column for information like State, Country, etc.
- Explanation for certain columns will also be available for information like Type, Tags, etc.
- Any column marked with an asterisk (*) will need to have information included. These are required fields to import.
- Do not remove the instruction row.
- Do not attempt to re-order this document. Each column must remain in the order shown in the sample file.
- Any column marked with an asterisk (*) will need to have information included. These are required fields to import.
Save your file as a CSV (Comma Delimited) document: LMN will only accept the import as a CSV document.
Importing your document
Once you have completed your import document as explained above, you can import it to LMN. To import, follow the instructions below.
In LMN, go to the CRM and click on the Contacts menu > Click the Import button
Click the Choose File button and select the .CSV file you created above [there is a Sample file available for download within].
Once your file has been selected, click the Import button
If you receive any errors after clicking the Import button: Do not continue with the import!
Instead, go back to your import document and ensure:
- The document is saved as a CSV (Comma Delimited) document.
- The document is in the prescribed sample format:
- All columns are in the same order as the sample file.
- Any column marked with an asterisk (*) have information in them for every customer.
- That there are no columns deleted. You can leave a column blank, but you cannot delete it.
If you are still unable to import your document: please forward it to for assistance. We will review the document and can even attempt to import it for you!
- Your information will need to be pasted into our Sample file in the fields provided.
To view a video tutorial about Importing Contacts in Bulk, click HERE
The General Information tab will give you a quick overview of your customer and will display all Billing and Tracking Information.
Total Estimates for this client will be displayed on this page.
- The This Year number is based on the calendar year and your estimate creation date.
- All Time will show both Active and Archived estimates.
Total Work will be displayed here as well.
- Estimated total will include all work that has been estimated for this customer - Pending, Lost or Won.
- Sold total will only include estimates with a Status of "Won".
You can adjust your Tracking + Assignment and Tags for the customer. For more information on your options, see below.
- Adjust the Customer Type. Options are as follows: Lead, Customer, Vendor, Subcontractor, Employee, Partner or Other.
- If your LMN account has a connected merchant account, within the Info tab you will also see an online payments section, which reads out the acceptable online payment methods that will be accepted from this customer.
- The acceptability toggles and ranges will default to match the ranges set at the universal level within your Portal & Payments Settings page (see LMN Pay: A Guide).
- Click the 'Edit' button to open a view where you can customize online payment acceptance settings that apply only to this customer, effectively overriding your universal setting.
- When a customization has been saved, you'll see a '(Customized)' label beside the Online Payments readout for that customer.
CONTACTS: Contacts Tab
The Contacts tab will allow you to see all contacts for your customer. You will be able to edit, add new and assign a new Primary Contact here.
If you wish to edit your Contact's information, click on their name.
If you need to add a new Contact, click +New Contact.
If you would like to also indicate that an additional contact is to be assigned billing privileges, you can select "YES" from the dropdown menu
CONTACTS: Jobsites Tab
The Jobsites tab of LMN will display all Jobsites for your customer. You will be able to edit and add new Jobsites here.
If you wish to edit a Jobsite, click on it's name.
If you want to add a new Jobsite, click + New Jobsite.
Within each listed Jobsite, you will also have available to you [dependent on subscription level] Jobsite Files*, Timesheet Photos*, and Jobsite Measurements
CONTACTS: Estimates Tab
The Estimates tab of LMN will display all Estimates created in LMN for your customer.
You can access an estimate by clicking on the Estimate Name.
You can create a new estimate by clicking either + New Service Estimate or + New Standard Estimate.
CONTACTS: Invoices Tab
The Invoices tab will display a record of all invoices that have been generated for the contact
Click on the invoice description if you wish to view the invoice
You can edit, send the invoice, or send an invoice reminder from the Invoice Actions menu:
CONTACTS: Communication History Tab
The Communication History tab will allow you to keep a history of all communication between your company and your customer.
You can add additional communication here by clicking + New Communication Note.
- You will select your Communication Type (Phone, E-mail or Note), the date/time and any specifics about the communication.
You can also link your outgoing client e-mails directly to LMN!
Please follow the steps below to link your e-mails:
- Make sure the e-mail address that you are sending FROM is the same e-mail address that you used for your LMN login for your company's LMN Account.
- You can confirm this email as well within your account under Settings > My Profile
- Make sure the e-mail address that you are sending TO is listed in your Contacts tab for your customer.
- Make sure you BCC the following e-mail address:
Please allow approximately five minutes after sending for your e-mail to appear in your Communication History tab.
To view a video tutorial about the Communication History tab, click HERE
ToDos are reminders that show up in LMN to make sure specific tasks get done. Examples include tasks like:
- Prepare the estimate for Mrs. Smith
- Meet John for a site visit on Monday the 19th
ToDo options:
- You can make ToDos for yourself, or you can even assign them to other users in your company.
- Assigning/Editing ToDos can trigger e-mail notification.
- Typically a ToDo item is attached to a Client/Lead, but it doesn't have to be.
ToDos within a Customer will display as shown below.
Creating a ToDo Item
To create a ToDo within your customer, click on + New Todo.
You will then select:
- The LMN User you wish to assign
- The Due Date for the ToDo
- The Priority for the ToDo: Low, Normal, High or Urgent
- The Progress level for the ToDo: Pending, In Progress or Complete
- You can also include Notes or Instructions
To-Dos - Work Requests
If you'd like to review a video tutorial on this process from both your view in LMN and your customer's view in the Portal, please click HERE.
- Your customers now have the ability to request work from you directly in their portal - which means you can review these requests and action them directly in LMN from a couple of spots:
- Estimating Dashboard
- To-Do’s & Requests screen
- Specific Customer>To-Do’s tab
- Portal Activity screen
Your best method to review new Work requests would be from the To-Do’s & Requests tab in LMN. Here, you will be able to see all new work requests in order, with basic details landing on the main To-Dos screen.
To get there:
- Login to LMN home
- Click on CRM
- Click on To-Dos & Requests
- Here you will be able to see all To-Dos and Requests, or you can use the filters across the top of your screen to see specific information that's relevant right now.
- To dig into a Request further, click anywhere on the Request line.
- Once you click on the Request, you can review the specifics of what is being requested, along with any files or photos which have been uploaded.
Using this tab you can:
- Add questions or comments on the work request for two-way communication with your customer.
- Assign the Request to someone on your team (depending on whether it needs an Estimate created or a task in LMN).
- Update Status to Under Review, Approved or Cancelled.
- Leave an Internal Note, adjust Priority or send to the Assigned person's calendar.
- If you have any supporting documentation such as a material list or drawing for the work, you can click Upload Files to send those back to the customer.
- Last step: once you are done managing your work request, don’t forget to click the save button in the top right corner!
To view a video tutorial about To-Do's, click HERE
Portal Activity Tab
Our payment processing system in the Portal is so user friendly, but credit card issues happen. Review transactions through the Portal Activity tab found in the CRM menu.
Within the Portal Activity, you will have the options to View all, search a specific customer, and use the dropdown menu to filter through notification types (i.e. credit card payment, credit card failure, etc). You can also sort by date range.
The Portal Activity can also be accessed within the customer's contact in the CRM. To access, simply select the customer, click Portal Setup, and select Portal Activity.
Jobsite Files/Photos
This article will showcase the Jobsite Files and Photos feature. This feature is used throughout the software, ranging from the web to the mobile app. It is easily accessible and can be used by staff in the field or administrative staff in the office. (Note: The Jobsite Files/Photos feature is only available with a Professional or Enterprise level subscription). This feature is useful in a variety of ways, including:
- Photos:
- Job completion/quality assurance
- Enhancement opportunities
- Liability / damage reports
- Marketing material
- Files:
- Property diagram
- Site specifics
- Materials list
- Site maps
- Snow relocation maps
By following this guide you will see how this feature is used in the Contacts tab within the CRM on the web browser.
Jobsite Files/Photos within Contacts
Step 1: Go to > LMN Estimating > CRM > Contacts
Step 2: After clicking on a contact, navigate to the tab > Jobsites. Select a Jobsite > Jobsite Files
- Here you can filter through the type of documents that can be sourced from the contact, estimate, or jobsite. This makes it easier to access photos or files that are associated with a particular contact, as they can be uploaded to the platform from a few different avenues.
Step 3: > Timesheet Photos
- In this tab can view any photos that were taken in the field by your crew and submitted via the Time App. (There is the option to add photos manually through the browser to timesheets as well). Crew members can add notes with their photos, and mark them as critical to ensure office staff notices the submission while reviewing submitted timesheets at the end of the workday.
Step 4: > Files
- Under Files, users have the option to view any types of files from across all your jobsites or estimates for this particular contact. Keep in mind you can do this in the jobsites tab as well if you wish to, within each individual jobsite, if there is overlapping material.
To view a video tutorial about File & Photos, click HERE
If you require further assistance, please contact our Support Team via email at or reach out to us through our Live Chats feature or by Phone: (888) 347-9864!