Payments LMN Pay Manual Payments LMN Pay fees LMN Pay: A Guide

This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide to LMN Pay for your convenience! 

Select from the list below to jump to its spot within the article!




What is LMN Pay?

We have brought Payments in-house with the launch of LMN Pay!

About LMN Pay

  • Our custom-built payment processing tool makes it much easier to streamline business operations 
  • Accepts credit cards and ACH (bank) payments securely and seamlessly. Get up and running with both when you fill out a single application!
  • LMN Pay is fully integrated with Time & Invoicing, Customer Portal, and integrated Accounting
  • LMN Pay is the next generation of LMN payment processing.


Merchant Eligibility

Are you unsure if are eligible to sign up for LMN Pay?  Well, you have found the right place!

LMN Pay’s new functionality, supported by Clover Connect, will be available to landscape contractors located in the United States & Canada that enroll in the payment system starting on April 10th 2023.  If you currently use payment processing in LMN, nothing will change. You’ll continue to use the same system provided through Clover Connect and/or Payrix as usual. 


Located In The United States & Canada

  • Do you currently process with Clover Connect (Formally known as CardConnect)?
    • If yes, email to confirm your merchant ID is compatible with our software.
  • Do you currently process with a different payment system?
    • If yes, you are eligible to sign up with our current partner Clover Connect.   For more information, please check out our Clover Connect partner page.
  • Are you new to online payment acceptance?
    • If yes, you are eligible to sign up with our current partner Clover Connect.  Simply follow the instructions below on how to access the Signup Form.  For more information on the benefits of accepting payments, please check out our partner page here.


Signup Form

To start, go to LMN Settings >Portal & Payments >enable Portal Defaults and click Connect Merchant Account >then click Connect Merchant Account to get your application started, and speak with a Clover Connect specialist 


Post Sign Up Requirements

If you have already applied for a merchant account, merchant services may contact you to request the following for underwriting to complete the application:

      • Merchant Documentation Requirements (to be passed to LMN Pay via API, document upload, etc)
      • Implementations to ensure partner has the capability to identify and pass merchant IP address for all submissions prior to going live
      • Actual merchant URL (as applicable)
      • Bank validation via Plaid API (or upload a copy of voided check) - RM/Implementations to ensure Plaid implementation by partner
      • T&C Version, T&C Date Accepted, T&C Time Accepted, and T& C IP Accepted to be passed to LMN Pay for all submissions
      • Annual Credit Card sales and Average Ticket must be passed to LMN Pay for all merchants submitted (please ensure actual values are passed, for ex. not $0.00 or the like)
      • If the enterprise is publicly traded, no need to request financial data
      • Partner to advise LMN Pay prior to boarding of any specific merchants that will require occasional large tickets as well as merchants that are expected to have a higher daily transaction count, so that we can notate the account accordingly
      • Partner to advise LMN Pay prior to boarding of any specific merchants whose payment acceptance details including time frame between date payment is taken and service being rendered in full, differs from the approved merchant profile
      • Required Beneficiary Ownership info must be provided for all merchants per FinCEN guidelines as applicable per entity type
      • At the discretion of the underwriting/risk team, on a case by case basis, additional information may be requested to include: last 3 months of bank statements last 3 months of processing statements, last 2 years financial statements, and interim results
      • However, (unless specified otherwise in the “Additional Requirements” section) this information is not required for boarding

For TIPS & TRICKS after signing up with Clover Connect, click HERE to download our PDF Doc. 


LMN Pay Setup: Adding your Merchant ID to the LMN platform

Congratulations on signing up for LMN Pay! Once your merchant account has been approved, you will need to add your Merchant ID to the LMN platform to take advantage of all the benefits Invoicing & Customer Portal have to offer.



Do you have your Merchant ID?

You would have received your unique Merchant ID from Clover Connect.  If you have your Merchant ID, proceed to the next section - Ready To Add Your Merchant ID?

If not, you can contact Clover Connect support, or you can obtain your Merchant ID by signing into the LMN Pay platform.  Enter in your username and password that was used when completing your merchant application form.

  1. First, click Profile at the top of your LMN dashboard.
  2. Next, click Account in the left hand menu.
  3. Copy your Merchant ID and proceed to the next section - Ready To Add Your Merchant ID?


Ready To Add Your Merchant ID?

  1. Log into LMN.
  2. Click Settings > Portal & Payments
  3. Find the blue button, Connect Merchant Account
  4. Next, add your Merchant ID to the space provided.  You would have received your unique Merchant ID from Clover Connect.  If you have not, please reach out to them, or contact us at
  5. Click Confirm.
  6. Slide Enable Online Payments to Enabled.
  7. Lastly, click "Activate in Bulk" type "Update" and click CONFIRM. This will ensure all your previous CRM contacts have this permission turned on.

That is it!  You are ready to start accepting payments with LMN Pay.  Below you will find a screenshot of the steps listed above and as always if you have any questions, please email











Configuring Acceptable Online Payment Types within the Portal & Payments Settings Screen

Underneath the 'Review Online Transactions' button, you'll see an area where you can:

  • Toggle on/off acceptance of Credit or Debit online payments
  • Toggle on/off acceptance of ACH payments
    • (Note:ACH functionality is available only to LMN customers located in the United States.)

Screenshot 2024-04-09 184032.png

For an online payment method that has been set to accepted, you can additionally restrict that acceptance to invoices totaling over, or under, a set amount. (Note: An invoice will be qualified for the range based on its post-tax total, as opposed to the subtotal or any payment within that invoice).

If there is a range of invoice values that are blocked from being handled online via either payment method due to your restrictions, LMN will show a warning dialog to flag this (as seen in the screenshot above).


Listed below are a variety of frequently asked questions (FAQs).  If you have a question that remains unanswered, please feel free to email them to

What are the LMN Pay fees?

LMN Pay is designed to simplify payment processing for landscapers and their customers. We keep our fees as low as possible.  

Fee Type LMN Subscribers
Credit Card

2.95%  (MC / VISA / Discover)

3.20%  (AMEX)

ACH (e-Check) - not available in Canada Learn more about ACH from a Clover Connect Support representative

**For information on current rates and fees, click HERE to meet with a Clover Connect Specialist

Benefits of Clover Connect:

  • Convenient Integrated Credit Card + ACH Transactions
  • Competitive Rates
  • Reduced Fees
  • Payment Security
  • Easy Reconciliation
  • Next Day Funding
  • Real time Reporting
  • PCI Scope Reduction
  • Transaction Management

How long does funding for credit card payments take?

Deposits will appear in your bank account within 1-2 business days, depending on the time of day that your transactions are settled. Transactions processed over the weekend or bank holidays are initialized for a deposit on the following business day. Your daily transactions are batched together and deposited to your bank account net of processing fees.

Can we process credit card and ACH payments?

  • Clover Connect Merchants: Yes, you will automatically be enrolled to receive credit card transactions. For merchants who live in the US, a separate agreement will be signed with Clover Connect to enable ACH. A Clover Connect specialist will walk you through both.
  • Payrix Merchants: Yes, you are automatically signed up to process credit cards and ACH payments in LMN, no additional sign up is required.

Do you have anything to help me train my clients on how to use the Customer Portal?

Yes! We have an end-user guide that can be shared with your Customer explaining how to set up a Customer Portal account and the options available, click here to view.  Resources also include a downloadable PDF guide you can hand out or also in Word format in case you want to add your company logo or adjust any details for your clients specifically.

How do I apply for a Merchant Account with LMN Pay?

LMN Pay provides a quick and easy way for landscapers to enable credit card payments on the LMN platform. The process takes less than 10 minutes and has eliminated the need for complex paperwork and multiple signatures.

Simply click HERE to apply for a Merchant Account.

How long from filling out the form before I can process payments with LMN Pay?

Once the signup form is filled out, a Clover Connect specialist will reach out to you within 24 hours to answer any questions and to request documentation furthering the application. Merchants can expect to be fully onboarded within 1-3 business days, as long as any documentation requested is provided in a timely manner.

Can I Beta Test the Customer Portal & Payments

Yes. You can Beta Test the Customer Portal and once you have linked your LMN Pay MID (Merchant ID), you can process and refund a test transaction.

What if we have better rates already?

To inquire about rates, please sign up HERE to speak with a Clover Connect specialist. Please be prepared to share your current statements for the Clover Connect team to review.

Does LMN integrate with other Payment Processors?

LMN is focused on delivering the best payments experience and that is LMN Pay.  At this time, LMN does not integrate with any other payment platform other than our current Pay Partners at Clover Connect & Payrix. 


LMN Pay Support?

Payrix Merchants

Hours: 7:30am- 5 pm EST - all emails will be responded to within 1 business day

For any questions regarding LMN Pay please email  For existing Merchants, please provide the Business Name and MID (Merchant ID) in the email subject line to assist the LMN Pay team.


Clover Connect Merchants

Hours: 24/7 Customer Support Service

Support Phone: 877-828-0720

Support Site:


Gro | LMN Pay FAQ's

Listed below are a variety of frequently asked questions (FAQs).  If you have a question that remains unanswered, please feel free to email them to

What are the LMN Pay fees?

LMN Pay is designed to simplify payment processing for landscapers and their customers. We keep our fees as low as possible.  You never again have to worry about setup fees, termination fees, quarterly fees, PCI & non-compliance fees, customer service fees, or bank deposit fees.

Fee Type Gro License (available in US only)
Credit Card 3.45% + $0.25 per transaction
ACH (e-Check)

1% per transaction

Maximum of $10.00

What We Do Not Charge?

No Setup or Cancellation Fees

No Dormant Fees

No PCI & Non-Compliance Fees

No Customer Service Fees

No Bank Deposit Fees

No Chargeback Fees

No Annual or Quarterly Fees

How long does funding for credit card payments take?

Deposits will appear in your bank account within 2 business days, depending on the time of day that your transactions are settled. Transactions processed over the weekend or bank holidays are initialized for a deposit on the following business day. Your daily transactions are batched together and deposited to your bank account net of processing fees.

Can we process credit card or ACH payments?

Yes. Once boarded, Merchants will be able to process transactions for both Card/ ACH - no separate signup required.

How do I apply for a Merchant Account with LMN Pay?

LMN Pay provides a quick and easy way for landscapers to enable credit card payments on the LMN platform. The process takes less than 10 minutes and has eliminated the need for complex paperwork and multiple signatures.

Simply click here to apply for a Merchant Account.

How long from filling out the form before I can process payments with LMN Pay?

Provided the required information is given and free of errors, Merchants will be onboarded, approved, and able to process transactions within 48 hours. In some scenarios, Risk may require additional information from the merchant.

What if we have better rates already?

In addition to accepting Payments via the Portal, there are many other benefits including the ability for your Customers to submit work requests (generate review), view and approve Estimates, and view select Jobsite activity.  To better make a value/cost decision, you can send a recent statement to to review.

Please be prepared to share your current statements for the LMN Pay team to review. In addition to accepting Payments via the Portal, there are many other benefits including the ability for your Customer to submit work requests (generate review), view and approve Estimates, and view select Jobsite activity

Does LMN integrate with other Payment Processors?

LMN is focused on delivering the best payments experience and that is LMN Pay.  At this time, LMN does not integrate with any other payment platform.

I have a Merchant Account with Clover Connect, can I switch over to LMN Pay?

Yes, if you are located in the United States.  The first step is to contact for details.  The process requires a secure transfer of your customer cardholder data.

LMN Pay Support?

Hours: 8 am- 5 pm EST - all emails will be responded to within 1 business day

For any questions regarding LMN Pay please email  For existing Merchants, please provide the Business Name and MID (Merchant ID) in the email subject line to assist the LMN Pay team.


How to Process Manual Payments:

Whether you’re looking to process payments with your customer over the phone or processing payments for your customer manually, it’s important to take note of any payment status changes regarding your customers.

*** If you need to manually process a credit card payment over the $10,000 Payment Run limit in LMN, please follow steps below for your specific payment portal. All payments run through your LMN Pay Portal will have to be manually added to the invoice in LMN.

Clover Connect Merchants:

  1. Login, and click on Virtual Terminal tab in the Cardpointe portal:Screenshot_3.jpg
  2. Fill out the required fields to create a one-time payment for the customer.  If you want to store the customer information for future transactions, be sure to check the Store Customer Profile option and under the Cardholder Permission Screenshot_4.jpg
  3. If the customer profile is saved for future use, you will need to approve the Cardholder Permission section.
      • Failure to do so, will result in the card information not being saved for future use

Payrix Merchants:

To process manual payments, here are the steps you need to know to record it.

  1. On the left hand menu, under Payments, click on Create Payment IMG.png
  2. Enter in Customer Details by clicking the arrow below IMG.pngIMG.png
  3. To validate the status of your payment, you can do so in the Payment History tab under Payments 



How to Recover Processing Fees

Currently, LMN Pay does not apply convenience or surcharge fees at this time.  That being said, there  are a few ways we can recover these charges/fees.  We have quite a few large Landscaping companies that are doing this.

  1. You can enter the forecasted amount of processing fees as a whole that you think you will pay in your Overhead costs of your budget.  This way, you can recover these costs on every estimate and not with one specific customer.  Processing fees are no different than other items you would include in your Overhead (rent, utilities, subscriptions, marketing, etc.).  Processing fees are another cost to running your business,  By adding these costs to your Overhead, you are spreading out the recovery over the whole year on every estimate which will have a large impact on your pricing.  We find that  this is  the most popular recovery method.
  2. On the estimate itself, within your Terms & Conditions, you can add a note that the customer needs to let you  know aheadof time how they wish to pay (check vs cash vs card).  Ift hey say Credit Card, you would go back into the estimate and add a line item of a 3% and send them the updated proposal to sign.  As well, you have the option to turn off Credit Card as a payment option completely and only offer ACH.  If someone wishes to pay with a Credit Card and are aware of the 3% fee, you can edit the invoice, add a line item for the 3% and resend the invoice for payment with the credit card option turned on.  We find most companies  use this method for larger invoices (over $5000).
  3. In the Terms and Conditions, you could have a section of text that reads: "If you choose to pay by Credit Card instead of ACH, you will receive a separate invoice invoice of 3%".  As long as they agree to the Terms ahead of time, this seems to work with most companies.  The idea for this example is to get customers to check out using  the ACHfeature in the LMN Customer Portal instead of a card.  You could also run someone's bank information through the LMN Pay Portal as well.
  4. Automatically adfd a 3% line item to every invoice with an item line called "Convenience Fee".  In your invoice notes you can add "If you are not paying with a Credit Card and choose ACH or Check, please let us know and we will adjust the invoice total for you."  This way, you are not going to miss it if someone pays with  a Credit Card and the fee is not added. ***Even by addding a 3& line item to an invoice, you will still be paying a few dollars in fees, as the math does not fully add up to 3%.  LMN Pay does not distinguish line items, so it will still charge you a 2.95% + $0.20 cents on the total of the invoice, where you are adding a line item of 3% before the invoice total.
  5. Offer ACH only.  If a customer specifically requests that they want to use a Credit Card, you could edit that CRM contact individually allowing Credit Card as a payment option, and then add a 2-3% line item on the invoice in advance.

Can I Link Two Bank Accounts?

Payrix Merchants

You can add multiple bank accounts to your LMN Pay Portal but you can only link one as the primary bank account because functionality at the transaction level does not work with two bank accounts.


Log into your LMN Pay Account, click on Profile then Banking. You can either edit the current account to change the primary bank account number, or you can add a new bank account and email to make the adjustment for you. 



Clover Connect Merchants

  • Please contact Clover Connect support to change banking information. Support contact information can be found in your Cardpointe portal under the Support tab


Forgot Password

Payrix Merchants Only

To reset your LMN Pay password, follow the steps outlined below:

  • Go to and click "FORGOT PASSWORD" IMG.png
  • Once selected, enter your email or username associated with your LMN Pay account and click "SEND CODE" **A unique code will be sent to your email for verification** IMG.png
  • An email will be sent with the code, which you will then enter to Reset your Password
  • Once complete, enter your credentials and click LOGIN

If you are unable to reset your password successfully, you can email and and the LMN Pay Support team will reset it for you.


Clover Connect Merchants Only

To reset your LMN Pay password, follow the steps outlined below

  • Login to and click on FORGOT PASSWORD
  • Once selected, enter your email or username associated with your CardPointe account and click "SEND CODE" **A unique code will be sent to your email for verification**
  • Once complete, enter your credentials and click LOGIN

If you are unable to reset your password successfully, you can Clover Connect Customer Support by going to their Support Site HERE


Payrix Customer Service

Merchant Services is available to support existing Merchants with all inquires as well as assist new customers interested in enabling LMN Pay for their business.

LMN Pay Support and General Inquiries

Hours: 7:30am- 6pm EST - all emails will be responded to within 1 business day

  • For existing Merchants, please provide Business Name and MID (Merchant ID) in the email subject line when contacting Merchant Services at
  • Questions regarding LMN Pay, simply email us at


Clover Connect Customer Service

Clover Connect Customer Service is available 24/7 to support existing merchants.  Please see the contact options below and when reaching out, have your Merchant ID (MID) on hand.

US Merchants

Merchant Support

Reach out to the Merchants Solutions team if you'd like to make changes to your existing merchant account.

  • 877.828.0720

CardPointe Support

Reach out to the CardPointe Support team if you need assistance with a product from the CardPointe suite.

Canadian Merchants

Merchant Support



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