QuickBooks error QuickBooks: Troubleshooting [General]

Within this article you will find all the Troubleshooting guides related to Errors hat affect BOTH QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Desktop for your convenience! 

Select from the list below to jump to its spot within the article!


CRM Related

Matching Related

Taxes Related


Settings Related

CRM Related

Estimate Related

Timesheets/Payroll Related



ERROR: String XXX-XXX-XXXX - (estimate name) too long. Maximum length: 21

This error occurs when the phone number entered in the LMN estimate is too long. Please shorten the phone number and try to export into QuickBooks again.


Error: “Validation Exception was thrown. Details: Email address does not conform to the syntax rules of [XX]. Supplied value: [XXX-XXX-XXXX.]”

If you are getting the error that says: “Validation Exception was thrown. Details: Email address does not conform to the syntax rules of [XX]. Supplied value: [XXX-XXX-XXXX.]”, make sure that: 

Your CRM contact information is input correctly in their fields. 

  1. Log into your LMN Account
  2. Open CRM > Contacts on the left side
  3. Ensure you have the field filled out correctly. 

What caused the error was the email address and phone number were inputted incorrectly.



ERROR: Cost Code/Service Item Does Not Exist

The cost code that has been assigned to a task on an LMN job no longer exists.  This could happen if you've deleted a cost code after using it on a timesheet.  

Here's how to fix the record(s) and update them to a new, valid cost code. 

  1. Open the specific job in LMN, then the task that was noted in the QuickBooks Sync error log.  
  2. Click the history button beside the task that had the error and reassign the cost code on that task to a valid cost code or if it is the correct cost code, keep it the same. After updating the cost code, click ok
  3. A message will prompt you asking Would you like to update all existing timesheets that refer to that task?  Make sure you click OK to update all historical records.




ERROR: Payment Import failed with the following message: "transaction id" is invalid.

If you see the following error when attempting to sync one or more of your payments from LMN to QuickBooks:

[ERROR] - (XXX(XXXX)) - Payment Import failed with the following message: The given object ID "XXXX" in the field "transaction id" is invalid.

Follow these steps to rectify the issue:

  1. For Quickbooks Desktop (QBD), within QB Sync tool settings, ensure your payments have been matched from LMN To QB
    • For QBD open LMN QB Sync tool and from Settings complete Step 6 mceclip1.png
  2. For Quickbooks Online (QBO), sign into QBO nd from Setup menu, select Link Pay methods mceclip2.png
    • Complete steps to publish Payments within QBD/QBO.

If that does not resolve the problem proceed to next step as QB is not recognizing invoices connected to the payment.

  1. From LMN find the invoices connected to the failed payments
    • Publish the invoices to QB again and resync mceclip3.png
  2. For QBD go to sync tool, Publish and Publish Invoices. Ensure you complete steps for matching and Importing the invoices into QBD. mceclip4.png
  3. For QBO, left hand menu, select Invoices and within that tab Publish Invoices. Ensure you complete steps for matching and publishing. mceclip5.png
  4. Once your invoices have successfully been synced to Quickbooks, try to sync your payments once more.
  5. Within LMN you will need to find the payments that failed to publish. Publish Payments to QB again and resync.
    • For QBD, you will need to go to LMN Sync tool and under Publish, select Publish Payments and Import now
    • For QBO, you will need to select Payments from the left hand menu, choose Publish Payments and complete steps to Publish the payments. 


ERROR: Make sure all your transactions have a GST/HST rate before you save.

Error: Estimate Publish Exception: |-|ValidationException was thrown.|-|Business Validation Error: Make sure all your transactions have a GST/HST rate before you save.

Resolution: Go to Quickbooks Online / LMN Sync (LMN>Quickbooks>QB Online) and then have you click on Estimates. From here, please click Settings. Under the Tax Settings section, choose the option that says **My Company does charge Sales Tax (Taxes ON)**.


Could not find accounting settings information for account ####

In order to Export from LMN to QuickBooks, you are required to have Accounting Permissions in LMN.  If you come across the following error, please contact your System Admin to adjust your LMN Permissions to include Accounting access.


ERROR: Required Field CustomerName Not Specified

The customer name or jobsite name in the LMN estimate was blank.

  1. Open the estimate that's giving you the error and make sure the estimate has a valid customer and jobsite selected.
  2. Save the estimate
  3. Retry exporting the estimate to QuickBooks


ERROR: Import failed with the following message: There was an error when converting the percent "NaN" in the field "MarkupRatePercent"

When syncing a service estimate from LMN to QuickBooks, if you run into the following error while doing so:

Import failed with the following message: There was an error when converting the percent "NaN" in the field "MarkupRatePercent"

This is due to one of your service area(s) being labelled as 'Per Visit' with a 0 entered in 'Qty' for the line items which exist within the 'Per Visit' service area(s).

To fix this error, go to the estimate in question and simply fill in a 'Qty' value or remove the line items which have 0s entered in 'Qty' from the service area. You want to do this because right now LMN is warning you, with the error, you are telling the system you are charging for the service but do not have 'Qty' established, for pricing, since there isn't a value associated with the line item.


ERROR: You have recorded the hours worked by..... If you leave the hours worked blank you will not have the information available for the Record of Employment.

The employee is set to salary in QuickBooks but is not set to SALARIED in LMN.

Fix:  Go to the STAFF page in LMN, open the employee name mentioned, then turn the SALARIED checkbox on. 


Note that you should re-export the employees hours after you fix the SALARIED field since all hours were exported to QuickBooks as if the employee was paid hourly.


ERROR: "You Have Not Recorded the Hours Worked by [Employee Name]” when opening their paycheck to review.

It's most likely that you have an employee who is paid salary, but you've entered them in LMN like they are hourly.  (or vice versa)

Open Employee Record in LMN.  Make sure SALARIED checkbox is set correctly.  This will make sure LMN uses the correct Hourly/Salary payroll codes when exporting this employee’s time.


ERROR: Overtime Hours are not Getting Calculated/Pushed Across to QuickBooks Correctly

    • In LMN, check the Settings > Payroll & Overtime Settngs screen – make sure your OT settings are correct
    • Generate a PAYROLL SUMMARY – DAILY HOURS report for the same period. Make sure it's correct
    • If both are correct, it’s a QuickBooks setup issue… check the employee record in QuickBooks
      • Open Employee
      • Open PAYROLL tab
      • Make sure there are OT Payroll items added for employee
      • Make sure USE TIME DATA TO CREATE PAYCHECKS is checked ON
    • If there are no OT payroll items for employee, you need to setup OT payroll items to tell QuickBooks what wage(s) to pay the employee when on OT hour


If the OT hours are not showing up on a report as OT hours and only regular hours, it is likely that you have set a certain task to "exclude from overtime calculations". 

To check this setting:

      • Look up the employees timesheet that does not have OT hours included
      • Check each job/task to make sure this setting is not checked off: Jobs > click into the job > click into the task > make sure the "exclude from overtime calculations" checkbox is not checked off. If it is, uncheck it and try pulling the report again



ERROR: Input String was not in a Correct Format

"Could not add time for EMPLOYEE NAME on Tue Jun 27. Input string was not in a correct format"

When exporting timesheets, if you get the error above it could be for one of two reasons:

Reason 1: Overlapping clock-in's on the same timesheet

Please review each clock-in/out on that employee's timesheet to ensure there no overlapping clock-ins. If you find one or more, adjust the entries to ensure there are no more overlapping times.

Reason 2: Lunch deduction falling outside of time actually being logged

For example, an employee works from 7:30am to 4:00pm but a lunch break was applied to start at 4:15pm and end at 4:45pm (falling outside of the start/end time of time actually being logged for the day). This issue only happens when a lunch deduction is being added manually. 

Please go back to the timesheet in adjust the lunch time so that it fits within the specific task time, or change the lunch time to a task that has enough time to deduct the full lunch time. 


ERROR: Names in This List Cannot Contain a Colon

If you receive the following error message upon exporting an Estimate into QuickBooks:

*Beginning DETAILED Import of Estimate XXXX... [ERROR] - (XXXXXXX) - DETAILED Import failed with the following message: There was an error when storing "XXXX:XXXX" in the "customer name" field. QuickBooks error message: Names in this list cannot contain a colon. The colon is a special character used to indicate a parent/child relationship. [Import Complete]

Take a look at the following areas to ensure you do not have a colon anywhere within your text fields that may be causing this error:

  • Customer Name
  • Project Name
  • Work Area / Service Name

Delete or replace the colon within the text fields and attempt the sync again.


ERROR: Exporting estimates getting the "Data Grid View" Error

If you see the following error when attempting to sync one or more of your estimates from LMN to QuickBooks:

"The following exception has occurred in the Data Grid View. System Argument Exception:Data Grid View Combo Box Cell value is not valid. To replace this default dialog please handle the data error event."

Follow these steps to rectify the issue:

      1. Click Settings > Integrations > QuickBooks
      2. Ensure that ALL of your defaults have been set up by accessing the drop-down menus
      3. If any of the drop-down menus are BLANK, select your desired settings
      4. Click Save Changes


Please Note: If you had any estimates in the Export Queue before making these changes you will need to remove them from the queue and re-add them before you will be able to successfully import them into QuickBooks.


ERROR: Bill Import failed.  A vendor or tax code referenced by this bill no longer exists in QuickBooks

If you see the following error when attempting to sync one or more of your estimates from LMN to QuickBooks:

"Bill Import failed.  A vendor or tax code referenced by this bill no longer exists in QuickBooks - you should re-run the Tax and Vendor matching processes.  The text of the error was:  There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks Customer "80000015-1679446846" in the Bill.  QuickBooks error message: This line item requires a customer or job."

Most likely, the Vendor Bill in LMN is using a tax that has not been matched in your Settings - Follow these steps to rectify the issue:

QuickBooks Online:

  • Navigate into LMN Accounting
  • Click on Setup > Link Tax Codes
  • Ensure that you have all Taxes referenced in your LMN Vendor Bills matched accurately
  • Attempt to sync the Vendor Bill again

QuickBooks Desktop: 

  • Navigate into LMN QuickBooks Sync Tool
  • Navigate to Settings > Settings Step 4: Match LMN's Cost Codes + Tax Codes
  • Ensure you have all Taxes referenced in your LMN Vendor Bills matched accurately
  • Attempt to sync the Vendor Bill again

If you require further assistance, please contact our Support Team via email at support@golmn.comor reach out to us through our Live Chats feature or by Phone: (888) 347-9864! 


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