This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide to Jobs in LMN for your convenience!
Select from the list below to jump to its spot within the article!
Jobs Tab
Jobs in LMN
- Import Estimates to Create Jobs
- Setting up Jobs for Hourly Invoicing
- Setting up Job for Monthly Contract Invoicing
- Setting Up / Adding Jobs [The Basics]
- Setting Up / Adding Jobs [Advanced]
- Create Jobs in Bulk
- Adding Tasks to Jobs
- Task Notes
- How Best to Setup Irrigation Work
Jobs: Settings
Job List
To access your Job List go to:
- LMN Jobs > Jobs List
- Pick any job from your list of jobs
You have the ability to create new contacts within LMN that will automatically add the contact to the CRM tool or link existing. You can view the contact from the Job Info screen by clicking on the name of the contact to change it or create a new one.
Within the Job Overview section, you can add internal Notes, add Job Groups, and adjust Payroll Codes Settings to keep this important information all in one place!
JOB FILES (*LMN Professional and Enterprise Subscribers only)
Job Files are created so that you can upload important documents such as drawings, job planners, job site photos, etc. Any Files uploaded here will be visible to field crews via the LMN Crew mobile app.
Link CRM File (go to the top right corner Actions > Link CRM File)- This button will link any photos that you have previously attached to your CRM Contact, Jobsite, or Estimate.
Upload Files (go to the top right corner Actions > Upload Files)- This will allow you to upload any files or photos from your computer.
Download (go to the top right corner Actions > Download)- LMN will download all the files in this section into a .zip file.
To view a video tutorial about Files & Photos, click HERE
Time Tracking
TASKS - Tasks are essential for time tracking as they allow you to track time spent on a specific part of a Job.
HISTORY & PHOTOS - Any photos that your crews take in the field and attach to this job will show up here for your review. You can also choose to download the photos either one at a time, or all photos at one time with the Download Archive button.
(NOTE: Photos are only captured for Professional + Enterprise subscribing companies using LMN)
Service Tracking
INVOICING - Here you will be able to setup your Jobs for invoicing. Create monthly contract start and end dates, monthly payment schedules, and see the average payments that you will be getting from your customers each month.
SERVICES - Services are used to track services completed for billing or tracking purposes. Services will be prompted on your crews phones upon clock out of a Job, from here they can select whether a service was completed or not. You can also link materials specifically to a service of your job by click on the service and adding the linked material.
MATERIALS - You can link specific Materials to the job directly for billing and tracking purposes if you wish not to link it to the job's service.
Update Jobs
Updating jobs has never been easier! Make adjustments to multiple jobs at once by Adding or Editing Tasks, Services and Materials in bulk.
Updating your jobs in bulk will save you a ton of time when you need to update tasks, services, materials or even hourly rates on your existing jobs. This is useful when you have a wrong task name or a service price when you first set up your Jobs – OR maybe you need to update your pricing for the next year of services - instead of having to go into each job individually to edit any of these items, we can now make all of these changes right from this screen! It’s also a great tool to use if you have not set up estimates in LMN and have created your jobs through the CRM job wizard.
To Start:
- Select Jobs > Update Jobs
- Use the action bar across the top of the screen to filter only relevant jobs for updating - follow the screen dropdowns left to right.
- First, you will select an action at the top of the screen: Add, Edit, or Delete
- Then select the type of Action you would like: Tasks, Services, Materials, or Rates
Below we will run through one example of each action option.
Add Tasks
- Click Action: Add
- Type of Action: Tasks
- Task Name: You will need to enter the exact task name that you want to add to your jobs. For example, if you want to add Grounds Maintenance, you will need to start typing out that task name - LMN will then begin to make suggestions based off of existing tasks in the system.
- If you do not see the exact task name you want to use, keep typing.
- If you do see the task name you want to use, select one of the tasks from the dropdown.
- Lastly, pick the Job Group associated to the jobs you're updating.
- Your options will consist of the Groups you've created, plus a No Groups option.
- Based on your Job Group selected, all the jobs in that job group will be shown below.
- Use the checkbox on the left-hand side to select the jobs that you would like to add this task to.
- Currently you can see all the jobs in that group, but if you select “Show Selected” on the top bar, you will now only see the jobs that have been selected.
- After you have selected your jobs, you will be able to do the following. NOTE: if you click Use Set All Row, you can easily update all of your selected jobs with the same Task settings - this will save you time off the hop and then you can adjust down the list if you have a job that does not fall into the standard in your Set All Row.
- Adjust the task name
- Assign a cost code
- Check off whether this is an hourly task
- Exclude the task overtime calculations
- Enter in a value for the estimate man hours
- Add the number of visits for this task
- After you have adjusted these sections for all the jobs you want to add a task to, you can click the Add Selected button which will successfully update those selected jobs accordingly.
Edit Services
- Click Action: Edit
- Type of Action: Services
- Select a Service from your account's service list
- LMN will automatically start filtering your jobs to only show jobs which have this service in them for editing
- Lastly, pick the Job Group associated to the jobs you're updating.
- Your options will consist of the Groups you've created, plus a No Groups option.
- Based on your Job Group selected, all the jobs in that job group will be shown below.
- Use the checkbox on the left-hand side to select the jobs that you would like to add this task to.
- Currently you can see all the jobs in that group, but if you select “Show Selected” on the top bar, you will now only see the jobs that have been selected.
- After you have selected your jobs, you will be able to do the following.
- Edit the number of visits
- Adjust Invoice type to: Included, Billed per Visit, or Hourly
- Adjust the current Revenue/Price Per Visit
- Select whether the service is taxable
- Mark a service as flag for review
- Set an alert for the max number of visits, selecting whether you want to Generate a warning for additional visits, or Generate a billing warning for additional visits.
NOTE: Using the “Use Calculator” feature on the top bar will provide you with a calculator for any sections that require a numerical value.
- Once clicked, a small calculator will appear beside the Revenue/Price Per Visit field.
- By clicking on the calculator, you will be able to see the current revenue or price per visit.
- You can then select one of the following options: adding, subtracting, or enter a new amount.
- Adding: Determine how much you wish to add to your original values - this can be a dollar value or a percentage
- Subtracting: Determine how much you wish to subtract from your original values - this can be a dollar value or a percentage
- Enter New Amount: Override your original value with a new Revenue/Price Per Visit
- Once you click apply, you can now see that new Revenue/Price Per Visit in the box.
- After you make all the adjustments to the jobs that you want to edit the services for, you can click the Save Changes button at the top or bottom right-hand corner, which will successfully update those selected jobs accordingly.
Edit Materials
- Click Action: Edit
- Type of Action: Materials
- Select a Material
- LMN will automatically start filtering your jobs to only show jobs which have this material in them for editing
- Lastly, pick the Job Group associated to the jobs you're updating.
- Your options will consist of the Groups you've created, plus a No Groups option.
- Based on your Job Group selected, all the jobs in that job group will be shown below.
- Use the checkbox on the left-hand side to select the jobs that you would like to add this task to.
- Currently you can see all the jobs in that group, but if you select “Show Selected” on the top bar, you will now only see the jobs that have been selected.
- After you have selected your jobs, you will be able to do the following.
- Edit the invoice type to select: Not Billable, Billed per unit or per app
- Select whether you want to track the quantity
- Update Unit Cost
- Update Unit Price
- Select whether this material is taxable
- Mark the material to flag for review
- Add in a Default quantity for crew tracking
- Select whether there is a minimum quantity required for tracking and if yes, what that quantity is.
- After you make all the adjustments to the jobs that you want to edit the materials for, you can click the Save Changes button at the top or bottom right-hand corner, which will successfully update those selected jobs accordingly.
Delete Hourly Rates
- Click Action: Delete
- Type of Action: Hourly Rates
- Select a Hourly Rate
- LMN will automatically start filtering your jobs to only show jobs which have this material in them for editing
- Lastly, pick the Job Group associated to the jobs you're updating.
- Your options will consist of the Groups you've created, plus a No Groups option.
- Based on your Job Group selected, all the jobs in that job group will be shown below.
- Use the checkbox on the left-hand side to select the jobs that you would like to add this task to.
- Currently you can see all the jobs in that group, but if you select “Show Selected” on the top bar, you will now only see the jobs that have been selected.
- After you have selected your jobs, you will not be able to make any edits for anything in the row.
- Once you select the jobs that you want to delete the hourly rate for, you can click the Delete Selected button at the top or bottom right-hand corner, which will successfully update those selected jobs accordingly.
Congratulations - you should now be able to edit and update multiple jobs at once. Now its your turn to go ahead and try it!
To view a video tutorial about the Update Jobs feature, click HERE
Job Groups
Creating Job Groups - Standard & Route
Job Groups are used to link jobs together, we have two types of Job Groups:
Standard Job Groups - Are a list of jobs together for Tracking or Reporting purposes.
- Tracking - Jobs can be added to a group to monitor last visit status using our Live Tracking.
- Reporting - Most LMN reports offer the option to report by Job Group. That way, you can pull reports on the group of jobs specifically (ie. "Monthly Billing Customers" or "Monday Mowing Jobs").
Ordered/Route Job Groups - Are a list of jobs together, which can be optimized in the most efficient driving route.
- Routing - Ordered/Route Job Groups are great for snow routes since they do not need to be scheduled.
- Tracking - Jobs can be added to a group to monitor last visit status using our Live Tracking.
- Reporting - Most LMN reports offer the option to report by Job Group. That way, you can pull reports on the group of jobs specifically.
To create a Job Group:
- Click on Jobs > Job Groups
- Click +New Group on the top-right corner.
- Give the group a Name (i.e. Maint-Mon-CrewA)
- Click OK.
- Here you can also change the Job Group Type to Standard or Route from this window.
You will then click each Job on the left-window (Jobsite Search Results) which will automatically move the job into the 'Jobs In This Group' in the right-menu.
NOTE: you can also enter Key Terms in the Search field to filter down the list of jobs on the left window.
- Click Save.
- If your Job Group is a Standard Job Group, your job group is now complete.
- If your Job Group in an Route Job Group, You can now optimize your route, following the steps below.
To optimize your Job Group
- Go to Jobs > Jobs Group > click into the Job Group > Click on Job List (located at the top left area)
- To re-organize the order of the Jobsites MANUALLY, within the Jobsites in the Group window, click on the 3 lines to the left of the job name and drag it to re order.
- To re-organize the order of the Jobsites using our Optimization Tool, click Jobs > Jobs Group > click into the Job Group > Click on Map Route (located at the top left area)
- The Optimize Routes screen will appear. Based on the Start/End addresses, the tool will find the most efficient route for all of your Jobsites entered on the screen before. Select Optimize to run the tool.
NOTE: all of your jobsite addresses have to be 100% accurate in order for the Optimize Tool to work. If even one jobsite address is incorrect or missing data, the Tool will not optimize at all. The Optimization feature can route up to 100 jobsite addresses. - Once the Optimize Tool has completed, you can view the Route within Google Maps.
- When you are done, press Save or Save & Close.
- If you wish to make any manual changes to the order, you can still do so after the fact as described in step 9 above
To view a video tutorial about Job Groups, click HERE
Jobs: Scorecards
Under the Scorecard within the Jobs tab, you can get a quick glance to track Job Progress across your entire list of Jobs.
To access:
- Click Jobs > Scorecards
- You can toggle by Job Group by selecting the drop-down
Import Estimates to Create Jobs
When you import an Estimate to create a Job, it will turn the work areas/services into tasks and also carry over the estimated man hours. Furthermore, if desired you can also carry over the crew notes from the estimate and they will become task notes that the crew sees when they clock-in.
There are two ways to initiate the job creation process via an estimate:
From an Estimate via the 'Create Job' Button
Pull up any Standard or Service estimate. Within the 'Customer Info' tab, you will find the 'Create Job' button at the bottom right:
Once the job has been created from the original estimate, you'll notice that the "Create Job" button changes to "View Job" and there will also be additional options to "re-create the job using the latest information from this estimate."
Via the 'Job List' Page
Alternatively, from the Job List page in LMN, you can click the 'Import' button located at the top right of the page:
You will now be redirected to a page titled "Import LMN Estimates for Timekeeping."
Ensure you have the appropriate filters selected (Type: ALL, Standard, Service, Date Range, etc.) and your Estimates will automatically populate in the field below for selection:
Now, click on the Import button on the far-right of the Estimate you wish to import. This button and the estimate's 'Create Job' button both open the same 'Import Estimates' view.
Import Estimates
When the 'Import Estimates' panel opens, your Work Areas/Services in your Estimate will appear as "Tasks" automatically:
- If the 'Sort By Hours, Most to Least' toggle is left off (grey), the services on your newly created job will appear in the same order as they did on your estimate.
- If this toggle is switched to on (green), your services on the job will be shown in order of most hours to least hours.
- The TRACK TIME BY allows you to create your Tasks in LMN as per the Work Area/Service or the Cost Codes listed in the Estimate
- The HOURLY? checkboxes are only pertaining to Jobs that are being billed-by-the-hour. If you are NOT billing this Task by-the-hour, do NOT checkmark this option.
- The CREW NOTES? checkboxes are pertaining to whether or not you would like to copy your Crew Notes on the estimate over as Task Notes.
To view a video tutorial about Importing Service Estimates, click HERE
To view a video tutorial about Importing Standard Estimates, click HERE
Setting Up Jobs for Hourly Invoicing
How to Invoice for Hourly Work
This article will show you how to set up your jobs for invoicing for work that is billed by the hour.
In order to set up invoicing for work that is billed by the hour, you will need to have a job created.
The key to setting up hourly work for invoicing starts with setting up your 'clock-in tasks' within your jobs that are billed per hour.
- Click on Jobs > Job List
- Click into a job
- Click Tasks
- Click into a TASK and checkoff Track hours and rates for billing-by-the-hour
- Click OK
*To find out which tasks are set up for hourly billing, look for the 'HRLY?' column (as seen below) and check whether or not the task has a check mark or not under 'HRLY?'.
Next, Setup Hourly Rates.
Finally, you will need to turn on invoicing for this job.
Once your hourly rates have been setup, your foreman can start using this job to track their actual time. LMN will keep track of what actual hours were worked onsite, what rate you are charging your customer, and it will automatically add what needs to be billed to your invoice.
Setting up LMN Jobs for Monthly Contract Invoicing
Monthly Contract Invoicing gives you the ability to setup a fixed amount that you charge your client every month no matter how much work you actually completed.
How to Setup Monthly Invoicing
- Select Jobs > Job List > Select your Job to open
- Select Invoicing > Invoice Activation
- Select Setup Job For Invoicing
*Based on your Invoice Settings, some information will be pre-populated for you. If you wish to update any of this information, you can update in the fields provided.
PO Number and Contract #: Use the provided fields to enter these numbers. If not applicable they can be left blank.
Extra Billing:
- Add Extras to Monthly Invoice: This option will add any extra services that need to be billed to your monthly contracted invoice.
- Invoice Extras Separately: This option will invoice extras separately by generating separate invoices for you.
Select Invoice Schedule to setup your invoices
Contracted Service Total: Add a total billing amount to this field.
# of Payments: Choose from the dropdown menu the number of payments that you would like from your customer.
*Keep in mind, your contract only needs to indicate Billing Type: Per Season. Any Per Visit or Per Hours/Unit will be considered Extra Billing and will be added into the jobs separately.
Day of the Month: Choose the dates you want to generate the Monthly Invoices.
Recalculate Payments: Click this button to breakdown your payments based on your dates and number of payments chosen.
*If any of the payments have already been collected, you can check the Skip Monthly Payments.
Setting Up / Adding Jobs [The Basics]
In LMN, you have the option to either import an Estimate that was created or by manually creating a Job from scratch.
To create a job from scratch:
- Select Jobs > Job List on the left-hand menu
- Select +New located at the top right corner
- You will now be redirected to a page titled "Add New Job".
- If your customer is already in LMN's CRM list, you can search for your customer and select the jobsite associated to this Job. Selecting your customer from the CRM will populate the remaining fields below
- If your customer is NOT in LMN's CRM list, click +New to enter your new customer/client
- For the Track Time against section, your Default option will be selected based on your Settings
- Ensure the Job Type is selected
- Press OK.
- You will then be brought to the Job Info screen within the Job you have just created.
Note: You will be able to quickly tell if a Job was created from scratch or if it was an export based on the Job ID!
- If it starts with EST it was exported
- If it was created as a Job without an estimate, it will end in a letter i.e. W
- To add a Task to this Job, click on Tasks on the left-hand menu.
- To add Services to this job, click on Services on the left hand menu.
- To add Materials to this Job, click on Materials & Equipment on the left-hand menu.
- To add an Hourly Rate to this Job, click on Hourly Rates on the left-hand menu.
- When on the Task, Services, Materials & Equipment, or Hourly Rates section, press the +[Add] button located on the top-right corner of your screen.
- Conversely, you can also import a list of Tasks, Rates, Services and Materials from another Job by pressing the Action drop down button at the top right, then Import Job Info
- Press OK
Setting Up / Adding Jobs [Advanced]
This guide will walk you through the advanced features when setting up a job in LMN.
Adding Services to your jobs
- Open a job you'd like to add services to > Click on the Services tab on the left-hand menu.
- Click +Service in the top-right corner
- If the Service you want to add is not on the list, it may need to be added into the system
- Select your Settings at the bottom of your screen then Services
- From here you will select +Add New in the top right and follow the prompts to add the service into the system for addition into your Jobs
- If the Service you want to add is not on the list, it may need to be added into the system
- Click +Service in the top-right corner
Import a set of services from another job
- If you have a job setup with the Services you want to copy over to a new job you can do that by opening the job you'd like to add those Services to, select the Services tab.
- Select the Import button at the top-right of the Services screen
- From the Import screen, you will be able to select the Jobsite you would like to copy from and select if you'd like to import Tasks, Rates and Services
Adding materials to your Job
- In your Job select the Materials & Equipment tab
- Select the + button in the bottom right
- You will then be prompted with three options:
- Add from Price List - This is going to pull from your Materials list in your Price List
- Add Time Materials [Old] - This is for legacy accounts who utilized the old Linked Materials option
- Import from other Job - You can import from another Job to save time if they match in materials
Linking materials to your job will be conducted under the Materials & Equipment tab on the job
- Click the Material you wish to open and edit
- Enable for Timesheet Tracking using the toggle button
- You can then choose which service [or all services] you wish to track this material against and if you wish to track quantity
- When your selections are complete, hit Save
To setup invoicing settings on a job
- Select the Invoice Activation tab within a job on the left-hand menu.
- Once activated you will see more options populate (depending on your subscription level),
- All subscription levels will have the Invoices option, where you can see all invoices attached to this particular Job
Create Jobs in Bulk
In LMN you can create jobs manually or you can import an estimate which becomes a job. If you have clients in the CRM you can also create jobs in bulk.
- Select CRM > Contacts
- Using the checkbox beside your customers, select the customers you want to create jobs for.
- (If you have clients on multiple pages, you may want to Tag them first, then sort by that Tag for easier importing.)
- Then, click Create Jobs.
- Follow the steps in the Job creation wizard. Select Next.
- Add your desired Job Type, Job Name and Job Suffix as instructed. Select Next.
- Select your payroll codes for this group of jobs as instructed. Select Next.
- Select which Job Group you wish to apply. Select Next
- Add the Tasks that you want in this group of jobs. Select Create Jobs. (TIP - Try to limit how many Tasks you're creating to make it easier for your crews when clocking in!)
- Select Create Jobs
To view a video tutorial about Creating Jobs in Bulk, click HERE
Adding Tasks to Jobs
The purpose of this article is just to give you a quick guide to creating a task in your Job.
Once a Job has been created (either via an Estimate Import or built from scratch), you can add Tasks, which are what your Field Employees will be tracking their time against in the App.
Tasks allow you to break down a job into more specific areas.
Adding a Task
To add a Task to a Job, access the Job in question from your Job List. Then select Punch-in Tasks on the left-hand menu under Timesheet Tracking
Click on the +Add Task [top right]:
If the Job Type for this Job is categorized as 'Production,' you will see the following fields in the 'Edit Punch-In Task' view:
- Task Name: this is how the Task will appear on the app.
- Cost Code: select from the drop-down menu which Cost Code you wish to assign to this task.
- Task Category: This will be permanently set to 'Default' unless this Job's Job Type is categorized as 'NonProduction' -- see below for more.
- Task Notes: these notes will pop-up on the app every time they clock into this Task.
- Track hours and rates for billing-by-the-hour?: ONLY check this box if you are planning on charging your customer a separate hourly rate for this Task. If this Task is inclusive to the contract/estimate, leave this box unselected.
- Show Activities on Clock Out?: if this is uncheck marked, NO activities will appear on the app for selection. Checkmark this option if you wish to allow your foremen to view Activities assigned to this job.
- Exclude from Overtime Calculations: if check marked, any hours tracked to this Task will be exempt from Overtime calculations. Most companies have this option uncheck marked (unless for extenuating circumstances).
- Est. Man Hours: enter your Estimate Man Hours for this Task.
- # of Visits: enter the number of visits for this Task.
If this Job's Job Type is categorized as 'NonProduction,' this view will look slightly different:
- Instead of being greyed out, the 'Task Category' dropdown can be opened, giving you a choice between 'Default' or 'Drive Time' categories. If you categorize a punch-in Task as 'Drive Time,' it will be eligible to appear as a Drive Time Shortcut within LMN Crew -- see our LMN Crew: A Guide article for more details on how drive time shortcuts work within the app.
- Note: In order for a Drive Time Shortcut to appear within LMN Crew, you need to first head over to the Job Types settings page and indicate which types you want shortcuts to display for.
- Underneath the Task Category dropdown, you will also see a checkmark for ‘Enable “Quick Start/End for this task’.
- When enabled, "Quick Start/End Task" will skip the photos, notes, and linked materials steps when a crew leads starts or ends the task. They can still edit/add this information at any time by pulling up the task itself.
- Quick Start/End can be applied to a task regardless of whether it is categorized as Drive Time or Default.
Task Notes
When exporting your estimate to create a job, the crew notes from your estimate will show up as "task notes" when your crew member clocks into the task of a job from the LMN Crew mobile app.
Crew Notes/ Task notes can be used for:
- Specific customer/job information (such as gate codes, beware of dogs etc)
- Task/Tool Checklists (such as materials or equipment to be used on-site)
- Any internal communication you wish to share with your crews while they are onsite (such as removing waste bins after service is completed)
Crew notes created in LMN Estimating
Crew notes becoming Task Notes after the estimate is exported into a "job"
What Task Notes look like when clocking into the job from the LMN Crew mobile app:
How Best to Setup Irrigation Work in LMN
Arguably irrigation techs deal with the largest amounts of parts on a day to day basis. Tracking inventory effectively is a nightmare.
Spending hundreds of hours a year in both office and field hours to track this information not only is hard to do and frustrating, but it adds to missed opportunity. This is time which could be spent on another job, spreading company overhead over more revenue.
We all know what happens in the field: a tech goes out to replace a head a dog bit off and after all is said and done, the tech has used upwards of 100-200 parts. Rather than trying to price out each part and taking the time needed to get it right about half the time, you might as well charge out flat rates for each type of part repaired (you'll see more below).
Let's start with the job's tasks (to follow along: Jobs > Job List (pick or create a job) > punch-in tasks). This will be the list of tasks the tech has as possibilities to clock into when he arrives on site.
Now that we have our tasks set up, let's move over to services (to follow along: instead of punch-in tasks click services).
Once both tasks and services are set up, let's move over to materials (to follow along: select materials & equipment). Here is the list of parts which will show below every service listed above during clock-out.
You can open each material and equipment to further detail the specifics of each item
Keep it simple. Traditionally, think of how much time is wasted both in the field in the office trying to track down parts and looking at pricing information for billing. With the best intentions, we know how inaccurate everything is with a paper-based, or software system that asks both the tech and the office to manage all of this in a detailed fashion.
With this setup, train your tech to do the following:
- Clock into the irrigation job when arriving on site
- Clock into the task he is tasked with doing (is it a repair call, a startup, a shutdown?)
- Clock out after work has been completed and mark the services and materials used
- Get back into his truck and drive to the next site, or head to the shop to close up and head home!
With this setup, train your office to do the following for billing:
- Go into LMN and find billing activity for the jobs the tech completed in the field
- Simply generate your invoices and sync the completed work to QuickBooks
Services are an important part of LMN for anyone wishing to track what's completed on a job (whether for billing or reporting purposes) or for companies utilizing Bulk Scheduling.
Services are Yes/No answers. They are either complete or not. You cannot track quantities on services, but you can track quantities on materials.
When a crew clocks out of a job, services are going to pop-up. Foremen will be able to indicate if they completed them or not. Services are very useful for billing and reporting purposes.
Examples of Services:
- Mow Complete
- Fert-Spring
- Fert-Summer-Early
- Fert-Summer-Late
- Plow Complete
- Walks Deiced
- Site Inspection
Services are different than materials as they don't ask you how much of a material was used but instead ask you, yes or no questions, was the job done or not? You can, however, link materials for tracking to a Service.
Service Setup
*Note that Services need to be setup in settings before adding them to a job. This creates a standard list to use for each job and eliminates creating duplicate or similar Services in your account.
- Login to you LMN account
- Select Settings > Services
- Click + New icon in the top right corner
Service Name: This would be specific to the type of work that is being completed.
Examples include: Spring Clean Up Completed, Mowing Completed, Fertilization Spring Completed, etc.
It is important to include the word Completed in your service names so your staff can mark off when it is in fact complete. Depending on your Invoice Type, certain Services may trigger additional billing.
*Make sure to mark the service as active - if it isn't then you won't be able to attach it to a Job.
Invoice Type:
- Included - If a Service is included in a contract (ie. Billing Type: Per Season in the Estimate), it will not trigger additional billing since the cost for this service as it is included in your monthly invoicing.
- Billed Per Visit - This option will bill when the Service is completed (ie. Billing Type: Per Visit in the Estimate).
- Hourly - This option will bill when the Service is selected for the exact amount of time someone is clocked into the Service (ie. Billing Type: Per Hour/Unit in the Estimate).
Show Service Date: If this is selected, then all service dates will appear on your invoices. This is important for billable work so that you can show your client the dates that you serviced their property.
Invoice Description: This is the description that is going to show up on the client's invoice.
Taxable: Is this work taxable? If yes, select this checkbox.
Flag for Review: Feature that will put an extra flag on the invoice to notify the staff member approving invoices that they need to pay special attention to that invoice. Check this box off if you want the flag notification to appear on the invoice.
Schedule Type: The default scheduling type of this service. There are three options, WEEKLY (allows you to set a start and end date with weekly intervals in between for each visit) or MANUAL (whereby you pick a set date per visit) and WAIT LIST for scheduling jobs to your Wait list where you're unsure the specific date it will be done, but know the date range (Fertilization for example)Manual, Weekly, Waitlist
Manager: The default manager for visits created for this service.
Crew Size: The default crew size for scheduled visits created for this service.
Unproductive Time: The default amount of unproductive time for visits created for this service, in crew hours.
Linking Materials to a Service
- Select your Job [Jobs > Job List> Select Job to open]
- Select Materials & Equipment
- Select the Material you wish to link to your Service
- If it is not yet done, Toggle ON the Track on Timesheets button [Invoicing can also be set up on the material from here]
- Select if you want to track Quantity
- You can have the material tracked against All Services or you can choose Selected Services and then toggle on the Service(s) you wish to track this material against
- Hit Save
Linking Materials to Services [Legacy Accounts]
- Click on your Service in Settings > Services to expand
- Click on the Linked Materials tab in the Service
- Click +Add
*These listed materials will pull only from the 'Time Materials [Legacy]' option in your Price List
How To Add a Service to a Job
- Click on Jobs > Jobs List
- Click into a Job
- Click on Services on the left side menu
- Click + Service
From this screen, you can pick and choose which Services you would like to add to this specific job for tracking.
What do your crews see on the LMN Crew mobile app?
When your crews clock out of a job or into another job, the App will ask them if they completed the setup services for that job, along with activities if linked.
Time Settings: Merge Services
Services will now be scheduled directly to a job! Because we have removed Visit Types, all pre-existing Visit Types in your account have been moved to your Service list. You will know which services came over from Visit Types as they will include (VT)at the end of the name. They will also display at the top of your service list.
You will likely want to combine some of your new services (visit types) with some of your old services. To do this, follow the steps below.
Disclaimer: note that this tool will only hold onto Linked Materials and Billing settings from the master service. Meaning, if you have two old services that you want to merge together, Linked Materials will be removed from Service B when you add it to Service A.
Select the Service you want to use as your master (likely the service you have setup with all billing information and linked materials) and click the Merge with Other Services button from that master service.
- Go to Settings>Services
- Select your old service, the one that existed in your service list before the update. This service is likely setup with all Billing preferences and Linked Materials. This is the service that we want to keep in your list.
- Click the Merge with Other Services button.
- Search your Service list for the new Service (your visit type) and select it by checking the checkbox beside it's name. When you've selected all services there, click Merge.
To view a video tutorial about Default Services, click HERE
Job Types
Job types allow you to customize your own types of jobs in LMN. They are useful for:
- Filtering lists of jobs by type
- Reporting on jobs by type
- Setting up different rules for different types of jobs (e.g. - Ask for weather notes on snow jobs or track equipment notes on install jobs)
- Configuring different payroll codes by job type (if applicable) so that LMN export custom payroll codes for special work like snow or union jobs.
Your Job Types in LMN allow you to organize your Jobs into different categories.
Four main points to consider when organizing your jobs by Job Types are as follows:
- If you are using multiple Payroll Items per division or different types of work, you will want to assign unique Payroll Codes per Job Type. For example, for all of your "Snow" jobs, you can assign these jobs to use your Snow Payroll Codes by default.
Default Tasks can be automatically added to each Job based on their Job Types. For example, for all of your "Install" jobs, you can have a default task of "Changes + Extras" automatically added.
- Note Prompts can be assigned for each Job Type (more information on Note Prompts can be found below).
- Dashboard reporting allows you to sort your list of Jobs by Job Type to view their Progress.
To create Job Types:
- Click on Settings (gear icon, located at the bottom left area of your LMN account).
- Click on Job Types
- Click on +New located on the top-right corner. (NOTE: you will notice three Job Types that have been created by default: Install, Service, Snow. These cannot be deleted but you can edit their names by clicking on them and updating their names).
- Give the Job Type a name.
- Next, set the Job Category. You will have two options for this:
- NonProduction - this means that, for the purposes of analytics and reporting, time spent on this job will be considered 'non-production.' Time spent on non-production jobs will count negatively towards the Crew Efficiency Score percentage.
- Production - this indicates the opposite, i.e. that time spent on this job will be considered productive and billable for reporting purposes. Time spend on production jobs will count positively towards the Crew Efficiency Score percentage.
- Here you can toggle certain Note Prompts on or off by selecting the drop-down menu next to each one. (NOTE: Task Notes & Equipment Comments allow your foremen to leave any notes to be attached to their Timesheets. For the Weather Comments, this will automatically pull in the local weather based on their GPS coordinates, if turned on.)
- Lastly, you can choose to enable Drive Time Shortcuts. If this is enabled, every job card shown within the LMN Crew App for jobs of this Job Type will include a shortcut for punching into an unbillable Drive Time task. (See our LMN Crew Guide for more details on how this works within the mobile app.)
- If you wish to assign specific Payroll Codes for this Job Type, select the Payroll tab.
- Here you can toggle what Payroll Codes to be designated for your Hourly, Hourly (Overtime) and Salary wages
- The Payroll Codes selected here will overwrite the default Payroll Codes (set up back on Settings > Payroll). If you decide not to assign any specific Payroll Codes for this Job, it will use the Account Default under Settings > Payroll.
- Press Save.
To view a video tutorial about Job Types, click HERE
Default Tasks
Default tasks are tasks that automatically get added to every single job you create - whether you import an estimate or create a job from scratch.
Default tasks are useful for setting up tasks like Warranty or Change Orders/Extras - tasks that would apply to almost every job. Default tasks are customizable by Job Type - so you can setup default tasks that get added to some jobs but not others. (i.e. Removals/Relocation for snow + ice jobs)
- Click on Settings icon.
- Click on Default Tasks
- Click on +Add New located on the top-right corner.
- Give the Task a Task Name.
- Select the Job Type you wish to have this Default Task automatically added onto.
- Select the Cost Code that you wish to have the Default Task assigned to track the Labor against for Job Costing.
- If this Task is to be tracked at a Billable Rate (ie. Time and Materials type jobs), ensure you checkmark the Track hours and rates for billing-by-the-hour. If this Task is NOT being billed, leave this unchecked.
- Press Save.
Now every time a Job is created within the specific Job Type, the Default Task will automatically be added to that Job.
To view a video tutorial about Default Tasks, click HERE
Hourly Rates
Setting up rates in LMN will allow you to create default hourly rates for different work types that you can (later on) add to jobs for any work that is billable by-the-hour. For instance, you can setup standard rates for things like:
- Enhancement work
- General Labor
- Pruning
- Skid Steer Operator
- Loader Operator
- ... and any others you may need
Rates are customizable on every job, so even though you'll setup default pricing, you'll be able to change these prices on any/every job.
You can set up Hourly Rates in LMN to help track Jobs that you will be billing by an hourly rate or a flat fee (above and beyond your estimate/contract).
To create Hourly Rates:
- Click on Settings.
- Click on Hourly Rates. *PLEASE NOTE: the Rates entered here are for DEMO purposes only and are not meant to be taken as factual rates to be used in your company
- Click on +Add New located on the top-right corner.
- Give the Rate a Name.
- Toggle the Type between 'Per Hour' or a 'Flat Rate'. (If Per Hour is selected, the hours worked will be multiplied against the Rate. If Flat Rate is selected, a flat fee will be billed irrespective of the amount of hours worked)
- Enter the $ value you wish to assign in the Rate field (NOTE: your employees do NOT see the actual $ value of the Rate. They will only see the Name).
- Leave the Include on Billing Reports if you wish to include this data/rate to be found on Billing Reports.
- Press Save.
To view a video tutorial about setting up Hourly Rates, click HERE
How to Set Default Job Names
LMN jobs use the same default naming convention as estimates for improved consistency across your company. You set your Default Estimate Name in your Estimate Settings as seen below:
When you create a new job in LMN the Job Name will use this default format.
*Note: Importing estimates will NOT use this default estimate name, it will bypass that default name and use the Estimate Project Name when you import it to create a Job.
If you would like to view a video tutorial on creating Maintenance Jobs, click HERE
If you would like to view a video tutorial on creating Design-Build Jobs, click HERE
If you require further assistance, please contact our Support Team via email at or reach out to us through our Live Chats feature or by Phone: (888) 347-9864!