Within this article you will find all the Troubleshooting guides related to your LMN Jobs!
Select from the list below to jump to its spot within the article!
- ERROR: Optimizing Job Group - "The optimizer was unable to re-order this route. Please reorder manually"
- How do I delete a task or service that was used or associated on a timesheet?
- Why is my Optimizing Routes not working?
- How do I update the Invoice Description for Services and Materials on All Active Jobs?
- Why are my crew notes not showing or transferring to my LMN jobs as task notes?
- Why are jobs not showing on the LMN Time Mobile App?
- Why is the “track hours and rates for billing-by-the-hour” box greyed out?
- Tracking Alternate Work In LMN
ERROR: Optimizing Job Group - "The optimizer was unable to re-order this route. Please reorder manually"
If you receive an error when optimizing Job Group: The optimizer was unable to re-order this route. Please reorder manually, please see common issues and steps to correct below:
Double check all addresses to ensure they have an accurate numerical street address, zip code, city, longitude, and latitude.
Addresses that include cardinal directions or are missing information will result in an error. To correct, follow these steps:
- Go to Job List> Click on a job >from the Job Info page >if it is missing the lat/ long > Click the Action press button at the top right > Click Refresh Lat/Long '>save. Once populated >return to Job Group and optimize. If it does not populate you may need to enter manually. For more information please see below.
- To update a Jobsite address >from the Job Info screen > Click on the Customer. This step will open LMN Estimating in a new tab. Go to CRM contact >Jobsites and update the job address. Once the Jobsite address is updated, return to the Job Info page and refresh your page.
- For jobs with cardinal directions included in address i.e 321 North Eagle Drive, remove North and enter 'N' to represent North i.e 321 N. Eagle Drive. (see steps above to update Jobsite in CRM). Once the jobsite address is updated with N, E, S or W >return to the Job Info page and click 'save' >return to Job Group and optimize.
- If Job Info looks accurate but you are still unable to route, start removing sites from the route one at a time until the route will optimize. Start with suspicious looking addresses - ones that might cause a problem.
- If you remove all addresses and it still doesn't work, try changing your Start/End address. Please note: if this were the issue, NONE of your optimizations would work.
Manually selecting latitude/ longitude
It is imperative that the appropriate GPS coordinates are found in order to provide with you accurate reporting to compare if your employees are onsite/offsite when upon clock in/out or when using the Job Address for Route Optimization.
If you have imported an Estimate or created a Job manually in LMN, and your Latitude/Longitude coordinates are coming up as "0" (see screenshot below), this is most likely occurring because of an error within your Job Address. This is preventing Google Maps from pulling the proper GPS coordinates for your Job.
There are a few different methods to retrieve the correct GPS coordinates:
- Re-enter your address in the Job Address field and then click Action > Refresh Lat/Long to poll the Latitude/Longitude coordinates.
- If you see the new coordinates update, click on the Job Address just above the Latitude & Longitude. A new tab will open up to Google Maps for you to verify this is indeed the correct address.
- If the coordinates did not update and remain '0' OR the location does not have a current address yet (ie. new development property), proceed to Step 4.
- In a new tab, visit Google Maps.
- Type in your Address or locate it manually by entering an address nearby and finding the Job site.
- Once you have found the correct location, place a pin-drop on the location by left-clicking on the area
- Click on the link containing the GPS coordinates in the box at the bottom of the screen. This will populate the Latitude and Longitude in the Search bar.
- Copy and paste these coordinates into the appropriate Latitude and Longitude fields on the Job Info screen > click Save
- Click on the Job Address again to verify that these are the correct coordinates.
If you are still experiencing issues after following the steps above, please contact support@golmn.com for assistance.
How do I delete a task or service that was used or associated on a timesheet?
When trying to delete a task or service from your job that you no longer want your crew members to clock into, you may see this message:
"This task/ service could not be deleted, as it is currently in use in one or more timesheets"
If the task or service has been clocked in and out of, the system will not allow you to delete it as it is associated with timesheets therefore creating historical data on the backend. You can however, hide the task or service so that when your crew members clock into the LMN Time Mobile App, they would no longer see it appear as an option to clock in and out of.
To do this, go into your Job > click on the Task or Service > check off "Hide from Timesheets". Clicking on this option will not affect previous timesheets that has already been created.
Why is my Optimizing Routes not working?
If the Optimizing Routes feature is not working, you may want to check the following:
1. Latitude and longitude of your jobs (ensure each of the addresses/ jobsites indicate GPS coordinates). If this section appears to be blank, you can update it by pressing the Action button at the top right corner of your job > Refresh Lat/ Long > Click Save.
2. NO PO BOX ADDRESSES in your route.
Your jobsite(s) must have a valid address and Google does not consider a PO Box address as a valid physical address.
3. Check that your addresses are spelled correctly.
If you are optimizing up to 50 jobsite addresses, you would be able to retrieve the Google Map for the route optimization. Google would let you know if an address is spelled incorrectly (error message is located at the bottom of all your addresses). If an address is incorrect, you will need to update or correct this address in your LMN Job so that the optimizing feature can be used properly.
4. Google has a limit of optimizing up to 50 jobsite addresses for the Google map to show.
HOWEVER, you are able to optimize up to 100 jobsite addresses under the Whiteboard actions, but you won’t be able to retrieve the Google Map for more than 50 jobsite addresses due to Google Map's API.
5. Format of NORTH/ EAST/ WEST/ SOUTH directions.
Please ensure that your addresses do not have N/ E/ W/ S in them but instead the full word of the direction as this may cause an issue with the optimization feature. Google may not recognize that direction format when trying to generate the results.
How do I update the Invoice Description for Services and Materials on All Active Jobs?
You can quickly update all active customers' invoice descriptions for a particular service or material by following these steps:
- Click on Settings > Jobs on the left menu
- Click on Services
- Click on the Service that you want to update
- Click Update All Jobs as shown above
- Selecting Update Invoice Description will prompt you to input a new description for that particular Service or Material. Input the new description and type in UPDATE to confirm.
- Selecting Hide From Timesheets will mark that Service or Material as hidden, preventing anyone from selecting it when clocking out from a job. This is a great way to clean up your Services list and help prevent mistakes!
- Selecting Show on Timesheets will revert the Hide From Timesheets function in case you now need to show that Service or Material again. For example, you could hide Salting Complete in the summer, then show it again for the winter.
Why are my crew notes not showing or transferring to my LMN jobs as task notes?
Here are the reasons why your "crew notes" may not be showing up as "task notes" for your LMN jobs. Please follow this guide to troubleshoot:
1) Ensure that the crew notes in your estimate are not stored in the “Estimator Notes” section and that they are typed into the service/ work areas (i.e: service area called "Mowing"). Estimator Notes is a section for the estimator to keep important information to refer to such as commissions or other costs etc. The customer or crew members would not be able to access or see this section. Therefore, information within the “Estimator Notes” will not transfer into the Task Notes of a job.
2) Before you export your estimate into LMN as a job, you would be able to choose rather or not to export the crew notes from the estimate, ensure that the “crew notes” box is checked off.
3) You may also want to check Settings> Timesheets > Timesheet Settings > “import crew notes from Estimates” is turned on to YES
- Using this setting determines whether or not crew notes are imported as task notes when you import jobs from LMN Estimating. If it is set to "YES", your work area style tasks will auto-populate task notes with the crew instructions from the source estimate
Another section of LMN we would recommend you checking to ensure “notes” are turned on for your LMN jobs is:
Settings > Jobs > Job types, press into the job types that you wish to PROMPT notes on (choose Yes, Prompt on Task Notes)
- Activating this, will allow your foreman to make notes on the LMN Time Mobile App when they clock out of the service they completed.
After checking all these steps, your Crew Notes from your estimate should be transferred to your job as Task Notes!
Why are jobs not showing on the LMN Time Mobile App?
There can be several reasons why a job is not appearing on the LMN Time Mobile App, please follow the information below to troubleshoot this:
- Jobs are unintentionally or intentionally "hidden" from the crew member or admin user, to check this, go to Settings > Users & Staff > Staff > search for user’s name > Hide Jobs tab > under Hidden Jobs, you will see if the job is under this list as “Hidden”
- The job is NOT active, hence why it will not show on the LMN Time Mobile App. To check this, go to Jobs > search for the job > Job Info & Settings > Active box (this box should be checked off)
- Short names is what the crew member sees on the LMN Time Mobile App and it is what they should use to search for the jobs, to check for the short name of the job, go to Jobs > search for the job > Job Infor & Settings > Short Name
- Alternative ways to find a job to clock into via the LMN Time Mobile App:
When punching into a new timesheet, after selecting a crew member/ crew to clock in, in the “Select Job” screen, you can either find the job via:
a) a Job Group that it is listed under
b) Manually searching the job with its Short Name
c) under the Scheduled tab and choosing the Schedule Crew (this tab can only be used if the crew was actually scheduled to work the job, you can see the job appear after pressing on "select jobsite")
Why is the “track hours and rates for billing-by-the-hour” box greyed out?
The area is greyed out because you have already clocked into the job. That means it has started to track the job and as a result, it will not allow you to deselect it and track it by the hour. You can however:
1) Hide the task from your timesheets and replace it by creating a new task OR
2) You can go into Jobs > Update Jobs > Use Filters > (Action) = EDIT | (Select type of Edit) = TASK | ENTER EXACT TASK NAME | Select a Job Group (or not, this is optional but will help filter the list of jobs) , select the correct job from the list and check off “HOURLY” box
3) Ensure to click Save Changes at the top right corner
Tracking Alternate Work In LMN
If you are looking to track alternate work that has been or is to be conducted i.e. Mechanic working in the shop fixing equipment; The following steps are a recommended to accomplish this within the LMN.
Step 1: Create a CRM contact card labelled Mechanic Shop with the address being where the work is conducted
This will allow you to create a job later with a workable address
*Ensure there is a jobsite listed within for the Shop address;
Step 2: Go to Settings > Users & Staff > Stafft and ensure there is a staff member listed as either Mechanic or the individual’s name (user preference). Additionally, set the Mechanic up as a Foreman as this will grant the Mechanic the ability to clock themselves in/out without needing one of your foremen/admin to be there monitor.
Step 3: Go to LMN Settings > Jobs > Services and set up a service labelled Mechanic
You can also link a material to the service (see step 5 on how to create the material to link)
Step 4: Go to LMN Settings > Jobs > Hourly Rates
Set up the hourly rate for this work to later connect within the job
Step 5: Go to Price List > Time Materials (legacy)
If you have mechanic materials to track with the service you can list it here (i.e. Oil)
Step 6: Go to Jobs > Jobs List to create a job titled: MECHANIC JOB
Step 7:Assign the appropriate areas under Hourly Rates, Services, and Tasks
Hourly Rates:
You will see here upon opening the service [if you linked the materials to the service] the linked materials*
This is where you would enter in the i.e. equipment that is within your company that a mechanic would need to potentially fix (you can always add equipment later on)
When the mechanic is done their work, they can then enter in the Notes Field what exactly was done in the repairs.
In the Time App, the view point of the Mechanic:
*If there are linked materials within the service you will be able to record the amounts used and what, if any, here
After the timesheet has been submitted it can be viewed as normal within the timesheet list
If you require further assistance, please contact our Support Team via email at support@golmn.com or reach out to us through our Live Chats feature or by Phone: (888) 347-9864!