Invoices: FAQ

Within this article you will have a complete list of Frequently Asked Questions regarding Invoicing within LMN!

Select from the list below to jump to its spot within the article!



How Can I Select All Jobs or None when Generating Invoices?

Admin can deselect all, select all or select series of jobs for invoicing.

  • From Generate page.
  • Enter a date range and click Update.
  • Click Toggle All found top right of the screen to deselect all.
  • Check boxes for jobs ready for Invoice Run.
  • Click +Invoice Run at the top right of the screen to run Invoices selected.



Editing Timesheet Services, Materials or Activities While Invoicing

Admin has the ability to update services and activities/materials from generate invoice page.

  • Select the job with services/activities for invoicing.
  • Click Edit button (pencil icon) beside any of the services for that job/date. mceclip2.png
  • The Invoicing Detail window will open with service and activities/ materials description, and price. mceclip3.png
  • Click Edit Services if you want to change the services or materials that were logged on the timesheet
    • When the Edit screen loads, you can select/unselect services, activities, or even change quantities of materials
    • When you're finished your changes, press the Update button to finalize these changes for invoicing
      • Note: changes here will permanently update the timesheets as well!
  • Once Update is confirmed, all timesheets and billing reports will reflect changes mademceclip3__1_.png


Invoicing from Services + Materials Completed Report

We at LMN are constantly being asked to find ways to make our clients day-to-day operations easier and make more time available outside of LMN and more time in the field getting jobs done.

One such useful feature that can be used to assist with ensuring your company has substantial cashflow is the ability to generate invoices from your jobs in LMN.

Now, the best way to ensure you are eliminating any guesswork, or actually generating the correct invoices, is to make use of the "Services + Materials Completed" report from the "Invoicing" menu under the LMN Reports feature. 


In order to use this report effectively to assist with your invoicing, you'll need to ensure that your jobs have services for your crews to indicate as completed.  For those of you using LMN Service Estimates, this is pretty easy and actually done for you when that customer approved estimate is created into a job:



Once these maintenance or service jobs are scheduled and your crews are working on these daily, as they finish the scheduled service, and mark it as completed in the job from the LMN Time Mobile APP:


You can then run the "Services + Materials Completed" report to see which invoices need to be generated:


(**NOTE: Some columns have been hidden in order to maximize content in image)


Now that you have a file that shows the invoices that can be run, you can now generate the invoice and send it over to your customer for payment.


How Do I Change Invoice Dates on Multiple Invoices?

You can select multiple invoices at once and change the Invoice date on all.

To change the date on Invoice(s):
  • From Invoice tab > Invoice List
  • Use the checkboxes to select one or a series of invoices.
  • Click Update InvoicesChange Date button in the app bar. mceclip8.png
  • Select the new date.
  • Click Update to save changes.


Invoices: Publish to Portal

You can publish Approved, Queued or Exported Invoices to the Portal from the Invoice list screen en masse, or from your Individual payment.

Multiple Invoices from Invoice Screen - available for LMN Pro +Plus Pack subscribers

  1. Go to the Invoice List screen
  2. Click the checkbox beside the Invoice(s) you wish to Publish to the Portal
  3. Click Update Invoices
  4. Click Publish to Portal - Note, only Approved, Queued or Exported Invoices will be able to be Published to Portal
  5. Confirm Send/Publish screen
    • Email Notification 
      • If you want to send your customers an email notification when Invoices are sent to Portal, ensure send customer Invoice Notification is selected
      • If you do not want to send your customers and email notification, unselect send customer Invoice Notification
    • Click Publish to move the invoices to your Customer's Portals


Individual Payment - available for LMN Pro & LMN Pro +Plus Pack subscribers

  1. Click the Invoice you wish to update - Note, only Approved, Queued or Exported Invoices will be able to be Published to Portal
  2. Go to the Invoice List screen
  3. Click the Invoice you wish to publish to portal
  4. Click Invoice Actions
  5. Click Publish to Portal - Note, only an Approved, Queued or Exported Invoices will be able to be Published to the Portal
  6.  Confirm Send/ Publish screen
    • Email Notification 
      • If you want to send your customers an email notification when Invoices are sent to Portal, ensure send customer Invoice Notification is selected
      • If you do not want to send your customers and email notification, unselect send customer Invoice Notification
    • Click Publish to move the invoices to your Customer's Portals


Invoices: Hide from Portal

In the event that you made a mistake on an invoice, after you Publish Invoices to Portal, you will be able to remove them from Portal as well. You can do this en masse from the Invoice List screen, or on an individual basis from an individual Invoice.

Multiple Invoices from Invoice Screen

  1. Go to LMN > Invoices > Invoice List screen
  2. Click the checkbox beside the Invoices you wish to Hide from Portal
  3. Click Update Invoices
  4. Click Hide from Portal
  5. Click Unpublish on the next screen


Individual Payment

  1. Click the Invoice you wish to update
  2. Go to Invoice List screen
  3. Click the Invoice you wish to Hide from Portal
  4. Click Invoice Actions
  5. Click Hide from Portal
  6. Click Unpublish 


Exporting Invoices to QuickBooks Desktop

Follow the following steps to setup your LMN account for syncing invoices to QuickBooks Desktop:

  1. Click on invoices in the left-hand menu.
  2. Once all of your invoices are ready to be approved, you can check off all invoices to be approved and then click Change Status as shown below and set to Approved.
  3. Once invoices are Approved they are now ready to be exported to QuickBooks and now need to be Queued. To do this check off the invoices again and then click the Export to QuickBooks button as shown below.mceclip11.png
  4. Open your QuickBooks sync tool. Click on Publish Invoices and make sure your QuickBooks company file is open.
  5. mceclip3__1_.png
  6. You should now see the following screen:
    • The first icon highlighted in red represents whether or not LMN has found a customer match in QuickBooks yet. If this is checked off, under Import Status you should see the name of the matched customer.
    • The second icon highlighted in red represents whether or not the job from LMN has been matched to a job in QuickBooks. 
    • Click the Match button to adjust the match to customer/job if necessary. Ensure this customer match is correct.
      *Once these matches are done, the sync tool will remember the match for next time.
  7. mceclip3__1_.png

If the invoice is for a brand new customer and they haven't been created you can just leave the default and LMN will create the customer and job for you in QuickBooks.
Once all the information is verified, click Sync Now and once complete you can exit the LMN Sync tool. Invoices will now be in your QuickBooks company file!*Important note* LMN's invoice number will appear in the memo section of your invoice in QuickBooks.  LMN allows the QuickBooks' invoice number to be the default number to avoid any duplication or errors. In LMN, once an invoice has been exported, the accounting Invoice number will now be updated from the QuickBooks invoice number.


Exporting Invoices to QuickBooks Online

Sending LMN created invoices to your Quickbooks Online account is a very simple process. This article will walk you through the steps necessary to publish invoices. 

NOTE: Please ensure the QuickBooks Online sync tool is setup prior to publishing invoices. 

  1. Log into the QuickBook Online Sync tool using your LMN credentials as found under the Quickbooks tab in LMN Estimating. 
  2. Go to the new invoices tab on the left, then select the publish invoices button.
  3. Select the invoices you wish to sync to Quickbooks. 
    • NOTE: Only invoices that have been queued in LMN will appear in this section.
    • mceclip3__1_.png
  4. Click the publish to QuickBooks button to start the publishing process. 
  5. Check the status screen to ensure successful completion of invoicing. 


Why won't my invoice generate?

If your job is not generating an invoice , you will need to check the following:

  1. Check that the jobs were scheduled out and crews clocked out of the service correctly. Marking the service as "completed" is what generates the invoices for billing. mceclip12.png
  2. Is the job set as Per Hourly billing and did you add hourly rates to the job or service? mceclip13.pngmceclip14.png
  3. Have you activated the invoicing within the job yet? mceclip15.png
  4. Is there a duplicated service (crew member clocked into the wrong job maybe)? 
  5. Press into the hourly rate within the job and see if it’s included in the Billing Report. If this box is NOT checked off, it will NOT generate an invoice or show any information on your Billing Reports. mceclip16.png


Autopay Payment Troubleshooting

If you are unable to do a Payment Run for a customer that has saved an auto payment, refer to the troubleshooting steps below: 

  1. Have you or the client saved a card to their profile for auto payment and set a limit within the Customer Portal
  2. Has the auto charge and charge limit been confirmed through CRM mceclip17.png
  3. Ensure the auto charge is checked off and there is a visible charge.  Ensure the Invoice amount does not exceed the charge limit amount 
  4. Was their limit on the card through their credit card/bank changed?
    • Was there a change to the limit on their end on the customer portal?
    • Has the card selected for autopay payment expired?
    • The credit card company may have flagged the payment as fraudulent, request that the client add LMN Pay as a safe transaction 

If the above steps have been resolved, you can now do a Payment Run.


If you require further assistance, please contact our Support Team via email at or reach out to us through our Live Chats feature or by Phone: (888) 347-9864! 

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