customer portal customer portal guide Customer Portal: FAQ

Within this article you will find all the Frequently Asked Questions related to your Customer Portal needs! 

Select from the list below to jump to its spot within the article!


Can my client approve a proposal/estimate electronically without using the Customer Portal?

Yes they can! For this feature to take action, you need to have a few settings in place and some checkboxes unticked!

  1. In Settings > Portal & Payment Setup, ensure that the “Always require customers to create a Customer Portal account…” is UNCHECKED. Remember to Save Changes! mceclip0.png
  2. Next, select the estimate you wanted to have your client electronically approve and click Publish/Email Proposal mceclip1.png
  3. Lastly, ensure that the “Require the client to create a Customer Portal account” option is UNCHECKED. Now you can click Send and you’re done!

If these steps are followed accurately, the client will receive an email link to where they can View, Approve, Reject, or Request Changes to the proposal. They can even add comments as well!

You will also receive an email once they have approved, rejected, requested changes or even made a comment in the link. This is a great way to stay in close contact with the client!


How to Add Customer Portal Link to Company Website

The Customer Portal was designed to allow your clients to make Payments Online, review, approve Estimates, submit Work Requests, and communicate in real-time with you. Make these features easily accessible by embedding the Customer Portal link to your website.

Here are the steps you can take to get your customer portal link embedded onto your homepage.


To add Customer Portal to your Website:

  1. Log into LMN Estimate to access your Company's unique Portal Link can be found within LMN Settings >  Portal & Payments
  2. Copy the link from within the Portal Setup page and email it to your Web developer to add in as tab within your website mceclip2.png
  3. Log into your website's site manager and click Add Page from the menu header
  4. Select Custom Link and then Add
  5. A Link Settings page will open up
  6. Link title: Customer Portal
  7. Link Target: If you would like to add into existing tabs i.e "Home" you can select one, if you want this to be a stand alone navigation on your website leave this empty
  8. External URL: Paste your unique customer portal link i.e
  9. Description, you can leave this empty unless you are adding it to another page. If you are adding to another page, then you can simply write "Welcome to our Customer Portal! The Portal was designed to allow our customers to make Payments Online, review, approve Estimates, submit Work Requests, and communicate in real-time with us."
  10. Click Add
  11. A sitemap will open up, to show you where it will be located in your company navigation panel. If you would like to change it be showcased as the first thing or last thing, simply click on "customer portal" within sitemap and drag it where you would like to locate it
  12. If no changes are needed close sitemap and click publish from the menu at the top

If you have a web developer:

Send them the customer portal link and ask them to add it in as a stand-alone section on your website.


Forgot Customer Portal Password

To reset your Customer Portal password, follow the steps outlined below:

  • Go to and click "FORGOT PASSWORD" mceclip3.png
  • Once selected, enter your email associated with your Customer Portal account and click "SEND RESET INSTRUCTIONS" **Check Spam folder if you do not receive an email to reset password** mceclip3.png
  • An email will be sent along with the link to Reset your Password for the Customer Portalmceclip3.png
  • Enter your new password and click SEND mceclip3.png
  • Once complete, click LOGIN and you will be directed to the main page
    • Enter your email/username & password
    • Click "SIGN IN" to log into the portal


How to Mark Emails as Safe Senders

It is important that your customers receive the emails sent through LMN and they are not directed to junk or spam folders. Here are some easy steps for different email accounts to mark as a safe account, reducing the chance these emails will go to spam folders.

For all email account types i.e Outlook, GMAIL, Yahoo, or other email accounts. Add the email address ( to your Contacts. 


Outlook - Email has not been sent for Customer Portal

  1. Select SettingsAll Settings mceclip3.png
  2. Select Junk EMAIL & ADD under "SAFE SENDERS AND DOMAINS" mceclip3.png
  3. Type in the email address you wish to add to your safe sender list - enter key & SAVE mceclip3.png
  • Outlook - Unmark as Spam
  1. Open the email. mceclip3.png
  2. When the email is open at the top mark off Not Junk mceclip3.png
  3. That email will now be moved to your main inbox.

GMAIL - Email has not been sent for Customer Portal

  • Click the cog icon in the top-right corner, and then Settings mceclip3.png
  • Click on Filters and then Create a new filter mceclip3.png
  • Enter the email address portal@golmn.commceclip3.png
    • Click Create filter with this search
  • In the popup box "When a message..." selectNever send it to spam & Create filter mceclip3.png

GMAIL - Unmark as Spam

  1. In Gmail, navigate to the spam folder.
  2. Search for emails containing the domain you wish to whitelist (
  3. Select all the emails shown.
  4. Click More and then Not spam. mceclip3.png

YAHOO - Unmark as Spam

  1. Go to Yahoo Mail on your computer’s web browser
  2. Select the Spam folder
    If you don’t see the Spam folder, select More below the “Sent” folder.
  3. Select the email and select Not Spam at the top of the page
  4. The email will returnto your Inbox. mceclip3.png


If you require further assistance, please contact our Support Team via email at or reach out to us through our Live Chats feature or by Phone: (888) 347-9864! 

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