Within this article you will find all the Frequently Asked Questions related to your CRM needs!
Select from the list below to jump to its spot within the article!
Using CRM
- Using CRM Tags
- How do I Review A List of All My ToDos
- How do I Archive old CRM Leads
- Setting up CRM Referral Sources
- Merge multiple CRM Contacts into one
- Mass invites to the Customer Portal
- Uploading/Attaching files to a Client/Lead in the CRM
- Uploading/Attaching files to a Jobsite in the CRM
How To
- How Can I Change the Contact Type in the CRM Without Opening Each One
- Can I Search for Both Primary and Secondary Contact Information Within the CRM
- Setting your default EMAIL to use GMAIL and not Microsoft Outlook
- Exporting clients/leads to a spreadsheet (CSV file)
- Can I Import LMN Contacts into Google Contacts
- How do I Add More than 1 Jobsite to a Client/Lead
- How do I Assign a Salesperson to a List of Clients/Leads
Create your own custom classifications for clients and leads using LMN's tags. Tags are like lists - you can add any client/lead to the list(s) you want them to belong to. Using tags - you'll be able to instantly view, report, and even export, clients that belong to a specific group or list.
Tags are really just ways to add clients and leads to a list. Tags will help you filter your specific clients for tracking and also for marketing purposes.
If you want to pull a list of clients by a certain attribute (e.g. Irrigation Prospects, or Snow Clients), then you'll want to create a tag with that name.
For example:
- Client - Residential
- Client - Install
- Prospect - Maintenance
- Prospect - Irrigation
How to create a Tag:
- Within the Settings menu, Click the Tags option under the CRM section
- Give the tag a unique name, then click OK to save that tag
Then, simply add that tag to any lead or client who should be included in that list via LMN > Contacts > Click on a contact to edit and add tags.
Once you assign those tags to the client/lead, that client will show up any time you pull a list of clients assigned that tag.
Note: This can also be done in bulk from the CRM Contacts Tab, in addition to Tag Replacement (If you have 5 you wish to replace with one, use the 'Replace Tag' option to quick replace with one click!)
Here's a description of the fields on the To-do screen and how they are used.
- Lead - if you want this To-do to be attached to a Lead item, pick the lead you want to assign it to
- Assigned To - if you want to assign this Todo to someone in your organization, pick them here (by default, To-do's will be assigned to you)
- Created By - Read only. This is the user who created the Todo
- Due Date - optional. This is the date the Todo should be completed by. Setting a due date is handy as Todo reminders will appear on user dashboards as they approach, then turn red when thy go overdue.
- Priority - Set it as Low, Normal, High, Urgent
- Progress - Pick 1 of 3 available statuses: Pending, In Progress, Complete
- Notes - Here's where you enter the details of the Todo assignment
- Instructions - Here's where you can enter any special instructions pertaining to this Todo
To view all the To-dos that you've either created, or had assigned to you, then
- Click the CRM menu
- Click the To-Do's & Requests menu
- Use the Show and View filters to filter your list down to the To-Dos that are important to you (optional)
Updating Multiple To-Do's At Once
The To-Do's screen is a really handy place if you want to update multiple to-dos at once. Instead of searching for each Todo in the Lead it belongs to, your list shows you all your To-Do's.
To update multiple To-Do's
- Click CRM > To-Dos & Requests in the left menu
- Select the To-Do's you wish to edit using the checkbox column to the left of each To-Do row
- Choose the Update Selected button if you want to update the status of the selected To-Dos
- Choose the Delete Selected button if you want to delete the selected To-Dos (warning, once deleted, there is no undo. Note: you can only delete your own To-Do's that you have created yourself.)
For mor information on CRM ToDos and Work Requests click Here
In LMN's CRM you have the ability to archive clients/leads. You can do this a few different ways. The whole archiving process is demonstrated below:
- In your main CRM contact's list check off the clients/leads that you want to archive.
- When you have the clients/leads that you want to archive checked off, click the "Update Contacts"
- Then click "Archive."
- When you click "Archive " you will have the option to archive the estimates that are associated with that client/lead as well.
- An alternative is when you are in a client/lead, scroll down to the bottom and click the "Archive" button. You have the option to archive estimates with this method as well.
- Now those clients/leads will show up in your main clients and leads list when you filter by "Archived"
- To un-archive your client/lead, go into that specific client/lead and click "Un-archive" at the bottom.
Maximize your ROI (return on investment) on your marketing spend! Use LMN to track where your customers are coming from, how much revenue is coming in, and what your close rates are like for each different marketing source. Simply setup referral sources in LMN, assign each client/lead it's appropriate source and reports are yours in seconds.
Referral sources will be used to track where your customers and leads come from. Common referral sources include things like:
- Website
- Job signage
- Referral
- Magazine Ad
... and more. With referral sources, you can run reports on where your leads are coming from and what your various conversion rates are for each referral source.
To setup your referral sources
- Under the main Settings menu, Click the CRM menu on the left side under the LMN Estimating menu
- Click the Referral Sources menu
- Click the +New button to add a new referral source
- Give the source a name and click the OK button to save
Many users chose the option to let LMN setup leads for them by automatically converting estimates to new leads. And LMN did its best... but if there was a single customer on multiple estimates (and spelled differently), then 2 leads were created. And sometimes, users enter leads in twice not realizing that they are already in the system.
And now its easy to fix. To merge multiple leads together, follow these steps:
- Click on the CRM menu on the left
- Do a search that will return both leads (it's OK if they are on different pages)
- Select all the leads you wish to merge using the checkbox on the left
- Click the Update Contacts button and choose the option to Merge Selected
- Next, you need to choose the lead you're going to keep as the primary lead. All the other lead, contact, estimate, communication and to-do information is going to be merged into this one primary lead.
- Click the Merge button to complete the action
You will get prompted with an "Are you sure?" message because all the secondary leads will get deleted. There is no un-doing this action, so make sure you're certain before merging.
When complete, all your lead information will be transferred to the primary lead.
Why didn't my primary contact from my secondary lead get transferred?
9/10 times, you're going to be merging leads because the same lead/customer got entered twice. LMN will make the assumption that you don't want to have 2 records of the primary contact. Secondary contacts will be imported, but the primary contact for any merged leads will not be automatically imported. In the rare case where they are not duplicates, you can quickly add them back in to the new master lead.
Send invites to multiple customers’ Primary Contact at once from your Contact screen in the CRM.
To start:
- Log into LMN Estimating
- Click on the CRM, then the Contacts tab in the left-hand menu
- From here, use the checkboxes to select the Clients/Leads you wish to invite to the Portal.
- Click on the "Invite to Portal" button
- Once selected, the following confirmation screen will show up for your reference.
- When you're ready, click Yes to send.
- You will then receive the following message to acknowledge that your request has been completed.
- That's all there is to it! If you're sending multiple invites out over multiple pages within your CRM Contacts tab, you can move to the next page and follow the steps above.
NOTE: The following feature is only accessible with an LMN Pro +Plus Pack subscription. For more information please review the demo below:
If your client is a residential customer or if they only have one jobsite, then it might make sense to use the top level client files.
- Click on CRM > CONTACTS
- Click into a CONTACT
- Click on FILES tab at the top of the screen
- Click UPLOAD FILES, choose your file and click UPLOAD
*If needed you can select multiple files in one upload. The newest uploaded or edited file will appear at the top of the list.
Delete: Allows you to delete individual files.
Download: Allows you to download an individual file. The download option will be based on your own browser settings, so if you are not sure where they went after you clicked Download button then check your browser download settings.
Edit: If you click on this button, you can edit your file name and description, you can also replace your photo or file by clicking on Replace.
Download All: Clicking this button allows you to download all files uploaded within this contact. This is handy if you accidentally uploaded a bunch of files to the wrong area, or wrong client/lead.
NOTE: The following feature is only accessible with an LMN Pro +Plus Pack subscription. For more information please review the demo below:
Jobsite files are where you are getting more specific with your file and photo organizing. If your client/lead has more than one property that you manage (ex. second property or cottage), or if you are dealing with a property management or commercial client, then you will want to upload files and photos to the specific sites.
- Click on the JOBSITE NAME
- Upload Files
Upload timesheet photos to your Jobsite:
- Click on the TIMESHEET PHOTOS tab.
When crews take photos with the LMN Time app while out in the field, those photos will automatically populate here for your records (as shown below). Furthermore, you can see that any photos that were tagged as Critical in the LMN Time app will show up in red with an alert icon.
Changing the Contact Type setting for a list of Customers
- Click the CRM
- Click on Contacts
- When you're looking at your list of contacts, use the checkbox on the left side to select all the customers you want to set to either a Lead, Client, Vendor, Subcontractor, Employees, Other or Partners
- Click the Update Contacts button
- Choose the option to Set Type
- Choose whether you want to set all the selected items as a Lead, Client, Vendor, Subcontractor, Employees, Other or Partners
- Click OK to apply your selected setting
You can search your CRM database by name, phone number, or email of primary and secondary contacts, using the 'Type to search' box as shown below.
To see who your primary or secondary contacts are, go to LMN's CRM menu and click Contacts. From there, click on any contact and go to the Contacts tab. Here, you will see the name, email, phone number and these are the fields in which you can search for using LMN's search box found here:
1. Open Chrome and navigate to "Settings." [Top right hand corner of your browser, 3 dots]
2. Go to the Privacy and security section.
3. Next to Site Settings, click the Right arrow
4. Scroll down to Additional permissions and click Expand .
5. Next to Protocol Handlers, click the Right arrow .
6. At the top, make sure Allow sites to ask to become default handlers for protocols (recommended) is turned on.
Note: Scroll down to the Blocked section and make sure that mail.google.com doesn't appear in this list.
7. In your Chrome Browser's address bar, enter mail.google.com.
8. Click Service handler .
9. Click AllowDone.
If this does not make the desired change, this may also be related to a computer setting;
You will need to open your Computer Settings > open your Apps > select Default Apps > and then you go to Google Chrome > scroll down and ensure the MailTo option is set to google chrome.
Once this is completed, in addition to the initial listed steps above, Gmail should be your new default when emailing out of the CRM!
On OS X, open the Mail app and under Preferences > General, pick the email program that you want to set as the default using the Default email reader popup. Yes, you have to start with Mail even if you want to configure a different email application as the default.
You can export your client/lead information to a spreadsheet/.csv file. This feature is especially handy for those who use email marketing software (e.g. MailChimp or Constant Contact) to send marketing and followup emails to customers.
To export contact information to a ".csv" file...
- Click on the CRM > Contacts menu
- Click the Export button
- Choose your export options on the Export Contacts screen. You can filter your list of clients/leads using Customer Types or Tags. Tags enable you to create very specific lists of clients (e.g. Residential, Commercial or Prospect-Maintenance) and you can export these specific lists to .csv files as well for very targeted marketing.
- Click Export to generate an export file.
Preparing Your Import File:
- Export your contacts from LMN
- Download this file: Google Contacts Import Headers
- Copy and paste the header names from the Google Contacts Import Headers file directly over your LMN export header names (they are in the correct order already – just copy this row 1 over LMN’s row 1).
- Save the spreadsheet as a .csv (MS-DOS) file.
- Now import your contacts into your Google account.
Import Contacts Into Your Google Account:
- Sign in to Gmail.
- At the top-left corner, click Gmail > Contacts.
- Above the contacts list, click More > Import.
- Click Choose File.
- Select the file you'd like to upload.
If you have a contact in your CRM tool that has multiple job sites but you do not want to add them manually then you can import them into the CRM tool by following these instructions:
Import a file with only the MAIN Customer (or add them manually in CRM) and Billing Address ONLY (no Jobsites), so that the main Client/Lead is created in CRM.
- If you do not do this, and import the file with ALL of the job sites, and this customer does NOT exist in CRM (ie they are being added into CRM as brand new), they will be added as individual Clients/Leads in CRM, each with 1 Jobsite per Client/Lead (ie. 20 Best Buy's instead of 1 Best Buy with 20 Jobsites).
Next, import a file with ALL the Job sites:
- NOTE: the Lead Name on the excel file has to be identical to the current Lead Name in the CRM (ie. if "Best Buy" in CRM, Lead Name must be "Best Buy" in excel.
- NOTE: if a different "Contact First Name/Last Name" is added per Jobsite, these Contacts do NOT get added into CRM separately (workaround for now would be to add them in "Jobsite Notes" header).
Assuming this Client/Lead already exists in CRM, now all of those Job sites will be added into that one Client/lead in CRM.
The salesperson field is used to assign 1 specific person in your company to the customer. Salespersons are optional - you don't have to assign them, and you can also assign specific salespersons to estimates (since a lead might have maintenance and install quotes assigned to different salespersons).
Your salesperson list will show the different people in your LMN account that have access to Estimating.
Assigning a salesperson to a single contact
- Click the CRM
- Click on Contacts
- Click on the contact you want to assign
- In the Tracking + Assignment section, click the Assigned To drop-down
- Choose the salesperson you wish to assign
- Save your client/lead
Assigning a salesperson to a list of contacts
- Click the CRM
- Click on Contacts
- When you're looking at your list of customers, use the checkbox on the left side to select all the contacts you want to assign to one specific salesperson
- Click the Update Contacts button
- Choose the option to Assign Salesperson
- Choose the Salesperson you wish to assign to all selected contacts
- Click OK to assign all selected contacts to the selected salesperson
If you require further assistance, please contact our Support Team via email at support@golmn.com or reach out to us through our Live Chats feature or by Phone: (888) 347-9864!