This is a comprehensive breakdown of QuickBooks Online in addition to Frequently asked Questions for your convenience!
Select from the list below to jump to its spot within the article!
Integration & Sync
- Accessing the LMN QuickBooks Online Sync Tool
- Connect your LMN Account to your QuickBooks Online Account
- QuickBooks Online Integration Guide (PDF)
- Linking your LMN Cost Codes with QuickBooks Online Service Items and Classes
- Linking LMN Customers + Jobs to QuickBooks Customers
- Linking LMN Staff to QuickBooks Online Staff / Employees
- Linking LMN Taxes with QuickBooks Online Taxes
Publishing/Exporting to QBO
- Importing Customers and Vendors from QuickBooks Online
- Exporting Estimates to QuickBooks Online
- Exporting Timesheets to QuickBooks Online
- Exporting Payments to QuickBooks Online
General FAQ
- Configuring QuickBooks Online Settings to Work Best With LMN
- Why do my LMN Payments show in RED when Publishing to QuickBooks Online?
- Why don't my Hours get Calculated Automatically in QuickBooks Online?
- How do I get LMN EstimateIDs to Export to Quickbooks Online Estimates?
- How Do I Default New Customers to Send Invoices By Email?
Troubleshooting [General]
- I've matched my classes with QuickBooks Online, but they are still not exporting
- If I Make an Invoice for Part of an Estimate, Quickbooks Online Marks the Estimate as Closed. Why?
- When I try to Recurring Invoice in QuickBooks Online, All My Prices Disappear. Why?
- How do I Setup GST in QuickBooks Online for Australia
Accessing the LMN QuickBooks Online Sync Tool
Accessing the Sync tool is very simple. Simply follow these steps:
- Using the LMN left-side menu, click the QuickBooks menu
- Click the QB Online sub menu
- These actions will open a new tab in your browser where you will be prompted to re-enter your username and password. Remember, only LMN users who have Accounting permissions set to Full Access can login to the Accounting Sync tool.
- Note - if you access this page frequently, you can set a bookmark to: - note that your login WILL NOT WORK without the 's' at the end of 'https'. This ensures a secure connection.
- Enter your username [Note: this is different from your email] and password on the login screen.
Connect your LMN Account to your QuickBooks Online Account
Connecting your LMN Account to your QuickBooks Online Account is simple.
First, make sure you're logged into the LMN/QuickBooks Online Sync tool. You can use the QuickBooks menu in LMN and choose QuickBooks Online to get taken to the sync tool, or you can login directly using:
Once you've logged in, make sure you're on the Connection screen. You go there automatically after login or you can get there by clicking the Connect menu on the left side.
Next, click the big green Connect to QuickBooks button at the bottom of the screen. You'll be prompted to pick the company file you want to connect to.
Next, you'll be prompted to Authorize the connection. Click the Authorize button to give LMN permission to access your QuickBooks Online Company information.
Next, you'll get a congratulations email showing you've successfully connected the two files. You can press the Close this Window button when finished.
To view a video tutorial to setup LMN with QuickBooks Online, click HERE
QuickBooks Online Integration Guide (PDF)
This is a setup guide designed to get your LMN account synced with your QuickBooks Online company file as quickly and easily as possible. It is recommended to print off the PDF and move through each task 1-by-1 for the best learning experience.
QuickBooks Online Integration Guide PDF
Linking LMN Cost Codes with QuickBooks Online Service Items and Classes
Before you start exporting estimates and timesheets, you need to link some basic configuration information between LMN and QuickBooks Online. The most important is linking LMN Cost Codes with QuickBooks Online Service Items.
What does a QuickBooks Online Service Item do? Service items link to accounts in your chart of accounts so that LMN puts the revenue, or cost, in the correct account. When LMN exports an estimate line item, or a timesheet, those items reference a QuickBooks Online Service item which, in turn, tells QuickBooks Online what account to store the revenue (for estimates/invoices) or cost (for timesheets) information in.
Do you have a recommended list of QuickBooks Online Service Items? Because landscape companies do a wide variety of work, every company has different needs for service items.
Linking LMN Cost Codes to QuickBooks Online Service Items (mandatory)
- From the LMN QuickBooks Online Sync app ( open the Setup menu on the left side
- Choose the Link Service Items option
- Your LMN Cost Codes show on the left. Your QuickBooks Service Items show on the right. For each LMN Cost Code, assign the QuickBooks Online Service item that you want it to link to.
- Each LMN estimate is assigned to LMN Cost Codes.
- These cost codes link to QuickBooks Online Service Items, which link to QuickBooks Online Chart of Accounts.
- By linking LMN cost codes to QuickBooks Online service items, the revenue from the LMN estimates gets entered to the correct QuickBooks Online revenue account.
- LMN jobs have a Cost Code assigned to each task.
- Because the LMN Cost Codes link to QuickBooks Online Service Items (which link to QuickBooks Online Chart of Accounts), the payroll costs end up getting entered in the correct account.
- Because the LMN Cost Codes link to QuickBooks Online Service Items (which link to QuickBooks Online Chart of Accounts), the payroll costs end up getting entered in the correct account.
- Each LMN estimate is assigned to LMN Cost Codes.
- It's OK if more than 1 LMN Cost Code matches to the same QuickBooks Service item, but it would be unusual to set it up that way.
- When you match a QuickBooks Service item, it disappears from the Unmatched Cost Codes tab and is moved to the Pending Updates tab.
- When you're finished all your matching, you can review your matches by clicking the Pending Updates tab. If you have made changes, there will be a green numbered box beside this tab indicating how many changes are pending.
- Click Save Settings to save your matching settings.
Linking LMN Cost Codes to QuickBooks Online Classes (OPTIONAL - only necessary for companies using Classes)
- Make sure your QuickBooks Classes are set to row-based transaction.
- From the LMN QuickBooks Online Sync app open the Setup menu on the left side.
- Choose the Link Classes menu option
- Assign each LMN Cost Code (left side) to a corresponding QuickBooks Class (right side).
- It's OK and it's completely normal if more than 1 LMN Cost Code matches to the same QuickBooks Class.
- Usually, you'd have multiple LMN Cost Codes (e.g. Planting, Lighting, Carpentry) all matching to one QuickBooks Class (e.g. Installation Division)
- When exporting estimates or timesheets to QuickBooks, LMN will set the QuickBooks Class based on the LMN Cost Code selected for the estimate/timesheet.
- Because each LMN Service Item is matched to a QuickBooks Online Cost Code and a QuickBooks Online Class, the LMN Cost Code sets both the service item and the class in QuickBooks Online.
- It's OK and it's completely normal if more than 1 LMN Cost Code matches to the same QuickBooks Class.
- When you match an LMN Cost Code to a QuickBooks Class it disappears from the Unmatched Classes tab and is moved to the Pending Updates tab.
- When you're finished all your class matching, you can review your matches by clicking the Pending Updates tab. If you have made changes, there will be a green numbered box beside this tab indicating how many changes are pending.
- Click Save Settings to save your matching settings.
Linking LMN Customers/Jobs to QuickBooks Customers
If you're not new to QuickBooks Online, there's a good chance you have customers in LMN that already exist in QuickBooks and you don't want to create new ones (duplicates) when you export time records. You want to be able to export time records to customers that already exist in your QuickBooks Online customer list.
- Choose the Setup menu option (on the left side of the LMN/QuickBooks Online Sync App)
- Choose the Link Customers menu option
- Next, we'll load all your existing LMN jobs (that don't already have a match) on the left side of the screen.
- Move to the first customer in the list.
If this customer does not exist in QuickBooks Online
- Leave the Match to Existing QuickBooks Customer column set to: No Match
Use the Action column to choose your desired action. You can either:
- Create a new customer
- Create a new customer and sub-customer (this will create a customer record, then another "sub-customer" under the customer - it's useful for customers who have multiple jobsites that you want to track invoices and costs separately. Think of the customer as the billing address and the sub-customer as the jobsite address)
- Create a new sub-customer for an existing customer (this will create a new sub-customer under a customer that already exists in your QuickBooks)
Click the Create button to create the customer or subcustomer immediately in QuickBooks Online
If this customer already exists in QuickBooks Online
- Use the Match to Existing QuickBooks Customer column to select the QuickBooks Online customer or subcustomer that matches the LMN job/customer.
- The LMN customer/job will then disappear from the Unmatched list and appear under the Pending Updates list (see the tabs at the top of the list - you can quickly flip between lists by clicking the tabs)
- When you're finished matching, you need to click the Save Settings button at the bottom of the screen to save your matches.
If the customer list looks incorrect in QuickBooks Online, hit “refresh data” to see the most updated list available
Note: ensure you are correctly logged into the right QuickBooks account if there are any further list discrepancies
Linking LMN Staff to QuickBooks Online Staff / Employees
In order to export Timesheets, you need to match your LMN staff with your QuickBooks Online Employees.
- Choose the Setup menu option (on the left side of the LMN/QuickBooks Online Sync App)
- Choose the Link Staff menu option
- Next, we'll load all your existing LMN staff on the left side and all your existing QuickBooks staff on the right side.
- Start at the top of the list and for each LMN employee on the left, choose the corresponding QuickBooks Online employee on the right side
- If the LMN employee doesn't exist in QuickBooks Online, you can click the Create in QuickBooks button to create the employee directly
IMPORTANT NOTE: LMN can only setup the employee basics. You will have to go into QuickBooks Online and setup payroll information, tax information, wage information before you can create paychecks for these employees.
- You must click Save Settings to save all your matches.
Linking LMN Taxes with QuickBooks Online Taxes
In order to charge sales taxes properly on estimates/invoices, you need to link your LMN Tax Codes with QuickBooks Taxes.
If your company doesn't charge sales taxes on invoices...
You can turn the setting to export taxes off, and then you don't have to worry about matching at all. Simply follow these steps
- In the LMN/QuickBooks Online Sync app, choose the Estimates menu
- Choose the Settings option
- Under the Tax Settings section, choose the option that says My Company does not charge Sales Tax (Taxes OFF)
If your company charges sales tax on customer invoices
First, sure your settings are configured to charge taxes. Follow the steps below.
- In the LMN/QuickBooks Online Sync app, choose the Estimates menu
- Choose the Settings option
- Under the Tax Settings section, choose the option that says My Company charges Sales Tax (Taxes ON)
- Choose the Setup menu
- Choose Link Tax Codes
- For each LMN Tax code on the left, select a matching QB Tax Code on the right
- Click Save Settings when complete
Importing Customers and Vendors from Quickbooks Online
Getting started with LMN's CRM is a lot easier when you don't have to enter all your customer data! So make it simple and import your leads/customers using your existing Quickbooks Online company file...
- Login to LMN at
- Using the left-hand-side menu under the LMN Estimating tab, click Quickbooks, then the QB Online sub-menu
- That's going to open a new tab in your browser... keep going - you're on the right track
- Login to the Quickbooks Online Sync tool on the screen above. Use the same username and password you use for your LMN Account
- Once you're logged in, you'll see a screen like this:
- You need to connect Quickbooks Online to your LMN account. Once you do this once, we'll remember this connection for future requests.
- Click the Connect to QuickBooks button
- Next you'll be prompted to login to your Quickbooks Online account. Enter your username and password that you use to login to Quickbooks Online, then click the Sign In button
Note: You must be an administrator with Quickbooks Online to link your accounts. - Next, you'll be prompted with a screen authorizing LMN to sync with your Quickbooks Online company data. If you agree to the terms, click the Authorize button
- Next, you'll get a prompt indicating you successfully connected your account. Tap the Close this Window button
- Your screen should still show that you're not connected. Test your connection by tapping the Refresh button near the top right of the screen.
- The header should now turn green and show that you're connected.
- Now that you're connected, you're ready to import your customers
- Using the left-hand side menu, click the Setup menu, then choose the Import QB Customers sub-menu
- To start the import process, click the Import Customers button in the bottom right
- Next, you'll get prompted with a screen making sure you want to do this. Click CONTINUE if you want to go ahead with the import.
- Next, this request will be passed to our LMN Quickbooks Online Robot. That's what will handle the process from there.
- Your import might take anywhere from just a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on how many customers you have. To view the current status of your import tap the Continue to Job Status button on the this screen.
- The Job Status screen will show you the status of your current job. It will be Pending (waiting to start), Processing (working through your list), then Success or Errors.
- Tap the Refresh button in the top right corner until the status of your job says SUCCESS
- Rarely do errors happen in this process, but if one does, the LMN Robot will email you the error log so you (and we) can find out what happened. If you do have an error make sure to check the email address that you used when you signed up for LMN - the email that's attached to your LMN account is where our robot will send the logs.
- If you see SUCCESS - you're finished - move on to these next steps
- You should still be logged in to LMN in another tab (assuming you didn't close it earlier!). You can return to that tab in your browser, or, if you did close it, just login to your regular LMN account again at
- Using the left-side menu, tap CRM then tap the Contacts sub-menu
- Your customers should now show in your Contacts list!
To Import your Vendors from QuickBooks Online into LMN, do the same steps as above with your customers.
- Once connected to your QuickBooks Online Account through LMN Accounting, open the SETUP menu
- In the SETUP menu click the option to Import QB Vendors, then click the Import Vendors button
- Click CONTINUE once you confirm you're ready to import your Vendors from QuickBooks Online
- You will then be notified that the import data is being processed, and you can click the Continue to Job Status button to view the progress
- You'll be notified via email if there were any errors in the import data, and will be able to see the overall status of the import
That's it! You're done - have a look through your customer and vendor list - and click the customer or vendor names to view the details.
Your imported customers and vendors will have contacts (people) based on the first names and last name you'd setup in Quickbooks Online. If there was no person setup, you'll find that LMN setup a contact with a first and last name of Unknown. We'll also use sub-customer information to setup jobsites for you as well.
Congratulations - it took a few minutes, but you just saved yourself a bunch of hours! And you're Quickbooks Online link will be remembered, so it will be that much easier for you when you start to import estimates, timesheets and invoices from LMN.
To view a video tutorial about Importing your QuickBooks Customer and Vendors into LMN, click HERE
Exporting Estimates to QuickBooks Online
Configuring Your Settings
There are two areas in LMN where you should configure some settings before exporting your first estimate to QuickBooks Online.
Estimate Export Settings in LMN
The first settings are simply to make it easier to add estimates to the export queue, and setup some default statuses (if you wish) after they are successfully exported.
- On the left menu, click QuickBooks then Setup
Default Status View: LMN has an Export Queue where you can queue 1 (or more) estimates for export.
- To show all estimates by default, leave this setting at All Statuses
- To filter estimates with a particular status (e.g. Sold) as your default, set these dropdowns to the specific estimate status you wish to use.
Estimate Status Update: After a successful export to QuickBooks, LMN can automatically update an estimate's status (to something like "Exported to QuickBooks" for example).
- To leave the estimate's status unchanged, choose OFF - Setting Disabled
- To update an estimate's status after a successful export, choose the estimate status that you wish to use after the export was successful
Default Export Format: You can export estimates in various ways
- Summary (most common) - exports the names of each work area, along with the total price, but does not export every line item (all the labor, equipment, materials) to QuickBooks
- Detailed (show details) - exports every line item of an estimate to QuickBooks, including all labor, equipment materials and more. (most contractors don't show clients this level of detail and therefore wouldn't export details to QuickBooks)
Estimate Export Settings in the QuickBooks Online Sync App
There are only two simple settings you need to configure in the QuickBooks Online Sync app.
- Login to the QuickBooks Online sync tool at
- Using the left-hand menu, select Estimates, then Settings
- The first setting is your Customer Matching Settings
- If you use sub-customers in QuickBooks Online for customers who have multiple jobsites, then turn the Create Estimates for QuickBooks Sub-Customers (Jobsites) to on.
- If you don't use sub-customers in QuickBooks online, then set this setting to Create Estimates for QuickBooks Customers
- The second setting will configure how you handle sales taxes
- If you charge your customers sales tax and you want your estimate taxes to export to QuickBooks Online, choose My Company Charges Sales Tax (Taxes ON)
- If you never charge your customers sales tax, choose the option My Company Does Not Charge Sales Tax (Taxes OFF)
Exporting (Publishing) Estimates to QuickBooks Online
LMN can take the manual work out of entering customer and estimate information into accounting by exporting your customer, address, and estimate information into QuickBooks Online directly. Here's the guide on how to do it.
First: Setup All Your Settings [See section above]
You may have already completed these steps, but in case you jumped to this help article first... go back and follow the steps in the link below before you try your first export.
Next: Queue Estimates for Export
Estimates get exported in two steps.
- Add estimates that need to be exported to a queue (This is to indicate the estimate has been sold (typically) and is ready for export to QuickBooks Online. This can be done by anyone with permission to LMN estimating)
- Publishing estimates in the queue to QuickBooks (This step can only be done by users who have LMN Accounting permissions set to Full Access)
This section will show you how to add estimates to the queue.
How to add estimates to the QuickBooks queue (one at a time)
You add estimates to the queue in LMN Estimating. To add a single estimate to the queue, simply open the estimate you wish to add. At the bottom of the estimate screen, click the Mark for QuickBooks Export button to add the estimate to the export queue.
How to add estimates to the QuickBooks queue (in Bulk)
You can add multiple estimates to the queue without opening them one at a time.
- In LMN, click the QuickBooks menu to expand it
- Choose the Export option
- The screen will then load a list of your estimates. You can use this screen to filter estimates by status, by type, whether they were previously exported or not, or you can search for a specific estimate.
If you're re-exporting an estimate you've previously exported, make sure to set the Previously Exported option to Yes. - Click the Export to QuickBooks button beside any estimate(s) you wish to add to the queue
- The button will change color and say Queued to let you know its ready to be published to QuickBooks
- Click the Export Queue tab at the top of the screen if you want to review the entire list of estimates waiting in the queue
Next: Publish Your Estimates to QuickBooks Online
To actually export estimates from the queue to QuickBooks Online, you'll have to login to our QuickBooks Online/LMN Sync app.
You can access this app in 1 of two ways:
- open the QuickBooks menu in LMN and click the QuickBooks Online option.
- bookmark - note that the 's' at the end of https:// is critical - your login will not work without that 's'. The 's' helps to ensure a secure connection.
You'll first be prompted with a login screen. Enter your LMN username and password. Only users with Accounting permissions set to Full Access can login to the QuickBooks Online/LMN Sync app.
After logging in, choose Estimates | Publish Estimates on the left hand menu.
The estimates that are in the export queue will show up on this screen. If no estimates show up, you don't have any in your queue. Note the two tabs at the top of the screen Standard estimates show in one list and Service estimates show in another.
Step One: Select the Publish Type
You can choose either a Summary or a Detailed type.
Summary Type Export (most common): Will export 1 line item for each work area or service in the estimate.
Detail Type Export: Will export a line item for every single item on the estimate. This option is not used often, since most contractors don't show clients every detail behind the estimate.
Step Two: Select the QuickBooks Customer
There are a few different scenarios you will encounter when exporting an estimate to QuickBooks Online. Here's an explanation of each situation and how to handle it.
New Customers (customer does not exist in QuickBooks): Leave the setting at New Customer. When exporting this estimate, LMN will create a new customer in QuickBooks Online using the customer info in the estimate.
New Customer; New Sub-Customer (customer does not exist in QuickBooks): Sometimes you want to create a job (or subcustomer) under a customer for better tracking of customers who have multiple jobsites. If you change the setting to New Customer; New Subcustomer, LMN will create a new customer using the estimate's customer/CRM information as the Billing Address and a sub-customer under that customer with the jobsite's address as the Shipping Address.
Match To Existing Customer: Sometimes the estimate's customer already exists in QuickBooks, but the name is spelled differently. In this case, use the Look for QuickBooks Match button and select the QuickBooks Online customer. LMN will export a new estimate under the selected customer's file.
Match To Existing Customer; Subcustomer: If the customer already exists in QuickBooks and the Jobsite already exists as a sub-customer, you can export the estimate information to a QuickBooks Online Subcustomer by clicking the Look for QuickBooks Match button and choosing the sub-customer (one of the indented rows) in QuickBooks Online for whom you want to export the estimate.
Match To Existing Customer; Create a New Subcustomer: Finally, there's the situation where the customer already exists in QuickBooks, but the jobsite (sub-customer) is new. You can easily create a new jobsite (sub-customer) for any existing customer by clicking the Look for QuickBooks Match button and selecting the customer for whom you want to export the estimate. After you've selected the customer, click the Select QB Customer dropdown and choose the New Subcustomer option.
If you made a mistake in any of your matching settings, you can always click the Edit Match button and choose a new match, or clear your match to return to the new customer options.
Publishing Your Estimates to QuickBooks Online
When you're finished with your new customer/matching settings, click the Publish to QuickBooks button in the bottom right. First, you'll get a confirmation message making sure you're ready to publish your estimates. If you're sure you're ready, click YES.
The Request Queue
After you click Publish, your estimates will be queued for export from LMN to your QuickBooks Online account. An export may wait in the queue from 30 seconds to 3 minutes, but rarely longer. To check on the status of your job, click the Continue to Job Status button.
Next, you'll be taken to a screen where you can see the time you submitted your request, a description, the number of estimates, and the current status. You can click the Refresh button in the upper right corner to refresh your status at any time.
When the export is waiting it will show a status of QUEUED.
When the export is currently processing, it will show a status of PROCESSING.
Results and Troubleshooting
When the export is finished, it will show one of the following statuses:
- Successful: No errors were detected, your estimates have successfully exported to QuickBooks Online
- Partially Successful: Some of your estimates went over fine, some had errors
- Error: Your export operation encountered an error and none of your estimates were exported successfully.
A log will be emailed to you with details about your export. The log will contain ID's of the estimates exported and, if an error is thrown, a description of the error. The log will be emailed, automatically to the email address of the user account who ran the export.
Error logs send immediately, but depending on email servers, you may have to wait 0 to 5 minutes for the log to show up in your email. If you're not receiving a log, make sure the email attached to your LMN user account is the email you're checking!
Sometimes the cause (and solution) to the error is contained in the log file. Other times, it's a little more work than that. If you've looked at the error log and still can't figure out how to fix the problem, don't worry, we're here to help. Simply forward the email, with the log, to and we'll dig a little deeper to help you get past your problems.
To view a video tutorial about Exporting Estimates to QuickBooks Online, click HERE
Exporting Timesheets to QuickBooks Online
Configuring Settings
Timesheet export settings are straightfoward. You can export time to QuickBooks Timesheets in 1 of 3 methods for job tracking.
To access your timesheet export settings, simply login to then choose the Timesheets | Settings option on the menu.
Time Settings
None: Time will be exported for timesheets and payroll, but time will not be allocated to any jobs or service items for tracking. This method simply tracks employee hours by day.
Simple: Daily hours will be exported for each employee allocated to each job they worked on in that particular day.
Detailed: This is the best method for jobcosting and tracking. Using this method, employee time is allocated both to a job and to a service item and, optionally a class, so you can pull reports on time by job, by department, or by class.
Note that at the time of this article, QuickBooks Online does not officially support jobcosting, but hopes to in the future. We recommend exporting with as much jobcosting information as possible. It doesn't add much extra work (jobs and service items are automatically set by LMN) and maybe as QuickBooks adds reports in the future, they will work retro-actively.
Exporting (Publishing) LMN Timesheets to QuickBooks Online
Before you Export...
Match Existing Jobs
If you have jobs in LMN that already exist in QuickBooks Online and you haven't matched them yet, we recommend matching those jobs first to avoid any interruptions to the export process. And don't worry, once you match a job, we'll remember it for future exports. You'll only have to match each job once.
NOTE: new jobs can be created on-the-fly by LMN - you only need to match the jobs that:
- a) exist in LMN and have never been matched to QuickBooks Online and
- b) already exist as customers in QuickBooks Online
Match Existing Staff
If you have new staff during this time period, make sure they're setup in QuickBooks Online first. Remember, LMN doesn't have wage or payroll tax information so it can't setup staff in QuickBooks Online properly for you.
Review + Approve All Timesheets
Make sure any/all timesheets from the pay period have been approved. If a timesheet has not been approved, it will not be included in the export.
Note: skipping timesheets can definitely affect overtime calculations. It's best practice to approve all timesheets for the period before you run the export.
Exporting Timesheets to QuickBooks Online
Once you've got your jobs + staff are matched and your timesheets approved, you're ready to export. To start the process, login to the LMN QuickBooks Online accounting sync app at:
Once logged in, use the left hand menu and select Timesheets | Publish Timesheets menu option.
STEP ONE: Set the Date Range
Unlike estimates, you don't need to add timesheets to a "queue" to export them. Timesheet exports are driven by a start date, then you can export either 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks or 4 weeks of timesheets.
Hint: You must publish at least 1 entire week of timesheets for payroll and overtime calculations. You cannot export timesheets on a day-by-day basis. Overtime rules cannot be calculated until the full week of work is known.
From the Choose Dates step, choose the amount of time (1 week, 2 weeks, etc) you wish to export and the starting date.
STEP TWO: Choose Staff
Once you've chosen the dates, LMN's sync tool will scan all the timesheets for that period and display only the staff who have eligible time during that period.
By default, LMN will try to export all selected staff's time. Optionally, you can un-check any staff member whose time you do not wish to export.
Hint: if a staff member shows up in red, that indicates that staff member has not been matched to your QuickBooks Online Employees. You need to add this employee to QuickBooks Online or match this staff member before continuing.
STEP THREE: Review Jobs
Next, LMN's sync tool will scan all timesheets for jobs that have never been matched to QuickBooks Online customers or sub-customers. If LMN finds jobs on timesheets that exist in LMN, but not in QuickBooks, it will grant you access to a screen where you can create them instantly.
You have two options when a job exists on timesheets but is not matched to a QuickBooks Online customer or sub-customer:
The Job is new and doesn't exist as a customer in QuickBooks Online
- In this scenario, simply click the Create In QuickBooks button and LMN will instantly create a customer in QuickBooks Online for you (note: customer names must be unique... if you get an error trying to create a customer using this method, it's very likely that a customer or vendor or employee already exists in QuickBooks online with that name)
The Customer already exists in QuickBooks Online, but has never been matched to the LMN Job
- In this scenario, you'll need to go back a step and using the matching wizard to match the LMN job to its corresponding QuickBooks online customer or sub-customer. To jump to the matching screen, click the Go to Setup to Link Customers button in the bottom right.
When all jobs on timesheets have a corresponding match in QuickBooks Online, you should see the screen below and you're ready to export.
STEP FOUR: Publish/Export Timesheets to QuickBooks Online
Next, click the Publish to QuickBooks button to start the export process. Just like estimates, your timesheet export job will be added to the export queue.
Depending on connection speed and some other factors, your job may take 10 seconds or up to 5 min to complete. The average time is around 30-60 seconds. To view the status of your job, click the Continue to Job Status screen.
On the Job Status screen, you'll be shown the export you started and some information about its progress. You can click the Refresh button in the upper right corner to update the export's current status.
Queued: means the export is waiting to start
Processing: means the export is currently working and will be done in just a few seconds
Successful: means your export was successful. You can login to QuickBooks Online and view your employee timesheets and complete payroll.
Error: means the export wasn't successful and none of your timesheets will get exported. Most users get an error or two when they are first setting up the export - and the errors are usually because there's some missing 'matching' information between LMN and QuickBooks Online.
If you get an error... LMN will automatically email an error log to the user's email who ran the export. This log will give you details of why the error occurred. Sometimes the log contains enough information for you to spot the error and correct the problem. Othertimes, QuickBooks makes it a little harder to decipher the error. In this situation, you can easily forward the email and the attached error log to and we'll do our best to get you fixed ASAP.
To view a video tutorial about Exporting LMN Timesheets to QuickBooks Online, click HERE
Exporting Payments to QuickBooks Online
In order to export your Payments from LMN to QuickBooks Online, please follow these steps in the guide below:
- In LMN Estimating, access the sync tool via the QuickBooks tab >select QuickBooks Online.
- Enter your LMN login credentials to access the sync tool. Make sure your Cost codes, Taxes, and Classes (if applicable) are set up properly in the Setup portion of the sync tool.
- Next, click on the Payments section. Match Payment codes in LMN with your Payments in QuickBooks Online using the drop-down menu.
- *Note your Payment methods may differ from this example* If you have no LMN Payment Codes created yet, this is done in your Settings in LMN. (Please note CardConnect or LMN Pay payment code will automatically be created the first time one of your customers pays an invoice online).
- In order to export a Payment(s) to QuickBooks Online, the Invoice must be published before you can publish a payment for those Invoices.
- Once Payment has been published, view record of Payment in QuickBooks Online.
To view a tutorial about exporting LMN Payments to QuickBooks Online, click HERE
Configuring QuickBooks Online Settings to Work Best With LMN
The following settings should be configured in QuickBooks Online before you start syncing your LMN information.
- Use custom transaction numbers (allows you to import LMN estimate numbers into QuickBooks Online so they match).
Click here to learn how.
- If you're using QuickBooks Classes [ignore this if you are not currently using classes], then set your Classes to be set on a transaction row level.
Click here to learn how
Why do my LMN Payments show in RED when Publishing to QuickBooks Online?
Payments will be displayed in RED if the Invoice has NOT been published to QuickBooks.
To resolve, follow these steps:
- In the Sync Tool, select Publish Invoices and Publish Invoice for Payment you wish to Export. This will resolve the issue and you will be able to Export Payment once Invoice is Published.
- However, if the Invoice does not appear in the Publish Invoices tab. Go to LMN >Invoices >Invoice List>locate the Invoice you would like to Publish and update status to queue for QuickBooks Export. Return to QuickBooks Online >Invoices and Publish Invoice to QuickBooks Online. Once Invoice is Published you will now be able to Export Payment.
Why don't my Hours get Calculated Automatically in QuickBooks Online?
Unlike QuickBooks Desktop, Quickbooks Online timesheets don't have Payroll Codes - the items that dictate OT and rate of pay. Pay rates must be manually calculated outside the timesheet when you are preparing each employee's paycheque. Because of this, LMN cannot export OT or payroll code information to QuickBooks Online timesheets. (You can do this with QuickBooks Desktop, just not QuickBooks Online)
QuickBooks Online had released some news earlier in 2016 that payroll items would be available on QuickBooks timesheets approximately mid-year 2016. At the time of this article, that feature has not yet been released/added to QuickBooks.
If you'd like to request this feature be added to QuickBooks Online, or get an update on their progress, you can contact them at their support site:
Click here for the QuickBooks support community
How do I get LMN EstimateIDs to Export to Quickbooks Online Estimates?
In order to use LMN's EstimateIDs in Quickbooks Online, you have to change a setting in Quickbooks online to allow you to use custom transaction numbers. Here's how to turn that setting on.
In Quickbooks Online, click the Settings menu (it looks like a gear beside your company name in the upper right-corner of the screen).
- Under Your Company, click the option for Account and Settings
- On the very left side of the Settings screen, click the Sales menu
- Go to the Sales Form Content section
- Ensure that the Custom Transaction Numbers option is switched to "On"
Now, your QuickBooks estimate IDs will match your LMN Estimate IDs on export!
How Do I Default New Customers to Send Invoices By Email?
If you're syncing customers or transactions to QuickBooks Online, LMN will automatically create new customers for you (if needed). But we often get the question "How do I default my new customers get their invoices emailed instead of printed?"
The answer is a simple settings change in QuickBooks Online.
- Click the Settings menu (it looks like a gear in the upper right corner)
- Choose the Account and Settings option
- On the left-hand side, choose the Sales settings
- In the Sales Form Content section, click the Preferred delivery method (which is likely set to Print Later)
- Change this drop-down to Send Later
New customers will now be defaulted to receive their invoices by email, not print.
Note: Customers set to SEND LATER must have a valid email address or else you'll get an error when exporting invoices to those customers.
I've matched my classes QuickBooks Online, but they are still not exporting
LMN's cost codes are linked to QuickBooks classes. And because an estimate, or a time job, could have multiple different cost codes within the same estimate/job, you need to make sure that your QuickBooks classes are set on a transaction row level.
Here's how to check or change your settings:
- Click the Settings menu in QuickBooks Online (top right corner, has a gear icon)
- On the left side make sure you're on the Company tab (this is the default starting tab)
- Under Advanced Look at the Categories section
- Click the Edit button (it's a pencil in the far right)
- Make sure your Track Classes setting is set to One to each row in transaction
If I Make an Invoice for Part of an Estimate, Quickbooks Online Marks the Estimate as Closed. Why?
Quickbooks Desktop version allows you to do what's called Progress Invoicing. This makes a lot of sense for what we do. You can make an estimate for $10,000, then do 4 invoices - one each for $2,500 and it will track the invoicing progress showing you how much work was estimated and invoiced to date.
Unfortunately, Quickbooks Online doesn't appear to have this functionality. You can only create 1 invoice per estimate and as soon as you make an invoice (for any amount) from an invoice, QuickBooks Online automatically marks that estimate as closed - even though it was not fully invoiced.
You can workaround this issue by manually marking the estimate as PENDING again, then creating another invoice from it. This action, however, clears the link to the first invoice, so you'll never be able to track multiple invoices to one estimate.
For more questions or to make a suggestion to Quickbooks to bring back the ability to do progress invoicing against estimates, contact their support/suggestion department here:
When I try to Recurring Invoice in QuickBooks Online, All My Prices Disappear. Why?
In QuickBooks Desktop editions, you have the ability to take an existing estimate and save it as a recurring transactions. All your pricing is retained and you can choose your invoicing recurrence pattern (e.g, on the first of the month for 12 months).
In QuickBooks Online edition, when you choose the MAKE RECURRING option on an invoice, it automatically deletes any existing pricing information that was in the invoice.
While LMN can export your estimates to QuickBooks, we can't control what happens after the export. You can direct questions/suggestions for improving this process to Intuit's support site:
Click here for the QuickBooks support community
How do I Setup GST in QuickBooks Online for Australia?
Before you start exporting estimates to QuickBooks Online (Australia), you need to setup your GST settings first. Here's the Intuit guide on setting up your GST:
Click here for Intuit's GST settings instructions (Australia)
If you require further assistance, please contact our Support Team via email at support@golmn.comor reach out to us through our Live Chats feature or by Phone: (888) 347-9864!